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Thread: Does anyone know which version will have which eon pokemon

  1. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 3 | Offers: 16 | Wishlist Items: 0 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0

    Does anyone know which version will have which eon pokemon

    Hello everyone. Im so exited for omega ruba and alpha sapphire I already know that im going to choose treecko and most likely omega ruba. I have a question though; on one part of the pokemon website it said latios is in omega ruby and latias in aplha sapphire but i another part of the website it has the exact opposite. Does anyone have any additional info on that?
    "I will find you, Sasuke!"

  2. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 57 | Offers: 82 | Wishlist Items: 23 | Wishlist Offers: 4 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    It should be the opposite color of the game you chose? Latios-ruby, Latias-sapphire. Like what they did with the black and white games. In the old ruby and sapphire you got to choose what color you saw (red or blue) and you got the one based on that color, right? I doubt they'd do that again.

    I didn't personally play Ruby and Sapphire but my friend did and he's too lazy to come onto the site and type the comment xD

  3. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 87 | Offers: 196 | Wishlist Items: 13 | Wishlist Offers: 1 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    What Kat said is right. I personally am gonna get both games just for Latios and Latias.

    Not really here anymore. But I do stop by from time to time, to see if this place is still alive!

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