Information for Double Normal Battle (Battle #98)
Battle Details
Game Generation: 6th Pokemon Trainer: (N/A)
Battle Requests: 1 Location: United States
Ended: 7:07 PM 16 May 2016 Accepting Multiple Battle Requests
Battle Information
Battle Format Base Rule Set Handicap Advanced Rules
Double Normal Off None
Other Information
I just put this up here, I just got home from work. In case anyone is wondering Im in The US, and Im on the Eastern Moutin Timezone. I also work, so I cant battle most mornings and part of the afternoons. I do work Sun, Mon, Wed, Thursdays and Fridays. Weekends are sometimes up in the air if Im around. So PM if you wish to battle and Im not around. THURSDAYS I do not battle. That is my 1 day Im not on my DS. Thank you and Good luck!
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