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View Full Version : [Gen 5] How much time does it take to breed a shiny?

04-30-2012, 03:26 AM
I'm trying to breed a shiny zorua using the masuda method and I was wondering how many Pokemon or how long did it take you to breed a shiny Pokemon? I want to have a rough estimate on how long this is going to take me.

04-30-2012, 04:23 AM
I had a friend breed me a Zorua on here and it took him 898 eggs. I got lucky and bred a shiny Axew using the Masuda Method in less than 30 eggs. I don't remember exactly how many. You have a 1/2000 about chance, based on Masuda's findings. Good Luck

04-30-2012, 10:32 PM
The Chances are 1/1366 on 5th generation games. It has taken me from 900-1500 eggs minimum. Its all about luck really. Time wise the one that took 1500 eggs took me about a month. All the others have been faster.

Astral Vapors
06-11-2012, 06:04 PM
It really does depend on luck. I've had one take as little as 100 eggs and one that took over 2000. When attempting a shiny hatch, make sure you keep a Pokemon with the abilities Flame Body or Magma Armor at the front of your party so your eggs hatch twice as fast. Keep at it and you'll get a shiny eventually! Good luck :)

06-12-2012, 05:39 PM
it helps if you breed with a pokemon from a different country also helps if you get a ditto from a different country

Victini's Tears
08-18-2014, 07:09 AM
3 months ago,it took me around 1400 eggs to hatch a shiny Noibat and I gave up to hatch shiny Pokemon again later,but when I tried this month to hatch a shiny Goomy,only took me around 300 eggs to hatch a shiny one.So its really up to luck.