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View Full Version : Pokemon Series: Getting better or Worse

01-15-2013, 06:36 PM
the pokemon series was always fun
Pikachu version was pretty hard then they just got easier and easier.
They must have gotten new directors for pokemon when black and white came out because they all look weird besides some but still pokemon are supposed to be based on animals not lamps and candles.
There names now a days are sooo creative Like Ducklett for a Duck. I am like Really thats the best you can come up with.
Now anthor generation of pokemon is coming on a 3ds Really??? Do you really have to put the game on a 3ds. some people dont have 3ds. Please tell me if you think the pokemon series has gotten worse or better and some reasons why.

01-16-2013, 12:11 AM
Uggghh why this again,
Personally i think the 3rd gen games were the hardest but i was also stuck for ages in various places playing gold years ago and if you think about it with so many new pokemon each generation had new pokemon to catch which makes the pokedex so much harder to complete every gen also there is new mechanics with each.
Who said that pokemon were supposed to be based on animals as generation 1 had rocks and toxic waste as pokemon. I did feel however that gen 5 did have more than most of those kind of ones but some but it really depends.
Every generation had unimaginative names dude.
The 3ds is a natural progression the Ds is over 10 years old and can you blame nintendo wanting to move the games to there new console like they already have Zelda and Mario on it.
So personally i think they are getting better and Black 2 is now my second fav game. Please keep your winging off this site please.

01-16-2013, 02:38 AM
Okay, 3rd gen was definitely the hardest, and the best by far. It had the best story of all 5 gens so far. 4th gen was okay, but you need to remember that every other gen is a transition into the new one, so 2nd and 4th (and most likely 6th) were not intended to have the most engaging story. And in the past, PSYDUCK. They put Psy in front of Duck. Zu Bat, Jiggly Puff, Pika (animal) Chu (squeak), Sand Shrew? The names now are MUCH more creative. MUCH MUCH MORE. Chandelure is much more creative than basically any 1st gen name. Snivy vs Bulbasaur? Well Bulbasaur is literally Bulb A Saur, which means "Dinosaur Bud" when put into a more modern context. Snivy requires more thinking to figure out that it's Snake + Ivy, and they removed letters from Snake to make it more clever. I mean, Ditto is literally just ditto, which is a synonym for "copy". Incredibly Cheesy. And yes, 3DS. They created a new product. Of course they are going to release it on their new product, especially when sales are low. Now people who truly love the Pokemon series will be forced to buy the 3DS. Being that most Pokemon players don't own a 3DS yet, this will increase their sales by A LOT. Plus, this was the same thing people said when Gameboy was moved to DS, but it was bound to happen. Don't complain about progress. You have 10 months to buy one so if you don't get one you really have no one to blame but yourself. Plus, your complaining means that you actually want it but are making it seem like you don't to justify not having one. Psychology. And Pokemon aren't always based off of animals. Victreebell, Ditto, Sunflora, Golem, Grimer, Claydol, Shuppet, Regice, etc are not possibly animals last time I checked. The incorporation of more non-living things is just a good idea for Pokemon. You can't support the argument that it's getting worse by any means. Every 5th gen Pokemon is cool in it's own way. It's getting much better through the years you need to play a lot more and realize that, or stop complaining. Because if it sucks that badly, then just don't play. Simple as that! If Pokemon sucks so badly in your opinion, then don't play and don't be on a Pokemon sight complaining about it. Just ignore it if it bothers you that much! Ignoring makes less people type posts like this that prove you wrong and make you feel bested.

01-21-2013, 07:07 AM
I don't remember everyone complaining when Pokemon made the jump from Gameboy to Gameboy Colour.
Or when it jumped from GBC to GBA...
Or when it jumped from GBA to DS/DSi.

01-21-2013, 07:17 AM
Worse. Team rocket got smart and ash is not as stupid

01-21-2013, 07:21 AM
I'm pretty sure playmaster99 was referring to the games

01-21-2013, 10:43 PM
I don't remember everyone complaining when Pokemon made the jump from Gameboy to Gameboy Colour.
Or when it jumped from GBC to GBA...
Or when it jumped from GBA to DS/DSi.

I remember a lot of pointless complaining when it moved from GBA to NDS, but it's technology progressing so I don't see what they're complaining about. Some people are just never satisfied... I garentee that years from now when they make a new game system, everyone will be complaining about it moving from 3DS to Currently Nonexistent Gaming System. But whatever. We can ignore the complainers and have our own satisfaction with the games!

01-22-2013, 12:59 AM
I remember a lot of pointless complaining when it moved from GBA to NDS, but it's technology progressing so I don't see what they're complaining about. Some people are just never satisfied... I garentee that years from now when they make a new game system, everyone will be complaining about it moving from 3DS to Currently Nonexistent Gaming System. But whatever. We can ignore the complainers and have our own satisfaction with the games!

Exactly some people just like to have something to complain about and then when they see no one else is agreeing with them they give up.

01-22-2013, 02:25 AM
Yeah... the names of Pokemon, and the designs, are just as bad/good now as they were in gen 1. Onix? Graveller? Jynx? Mew?? MewTWO??? Yeah, that one was sooooo original... :/ Nintendo is a business that is not keeping up with its competition such as Microsoft and Sony. They are quite literally surviving on mostly Pokemon and Mario sales. As a business they need to survive to even continue producing Pokemon games, so as a business they need to find ways to make money, and like every other video game company, they advance their products. Playstation, PS2, PS3, XBox, Xbox 360, N64, GameCube, Wii, Gameboy Advance, DS, 3DS. I don't get how anybody is finding this pattern new all of a sudden when it's been going on for ages now... I started Pokemon on a GameBoy and now I'm playing W2 on a 3DS. This has been going on forever now. Also, Voltorb, Jigglypuff, Geodude, Magnemite, Grimer, Gastly, Exeggcute, Bellsprout, Koffing, Ditto, Porygon, their evolutions and more Gen 1 pokemon, are not animals.... In the end, mostly everyone complaining about Gen 6 being on a 3DS wouldn't hesitate to play it all day long, happily, if they were given it for free or at a very cheap price. The complaints only come from those who want everything to be easy for them and don't wanna buy stuff, not because they don't actually want the product.

01-24-2013, 04:21 AM
How can you guys complain that the new gen is for 3ds. Its just like the game boy transferring to ds. Its been way more than a few years the ds has been out with pokemon. Plus its not new that video games go into the next generation. I mean come on its been like this for awhile think about it: Gameboy, gameboy color, gameboy advance, Ds/Dsi and now 3ds and 3dsxl The pokemon are starting to lose their flare though but maby they will come out with something big..... Who knows

01-24-2013, 10:36 AM
Okay, 3rd gen was definitely the hardest, and the best by far. It had the best story of all 5 gens so far. 4th gen was okay, but you need to remember that every other gen is a transition into the new one, so 2nd and 4th (and most likely 6th) were not intended to have the most engaging story. And in the past, PSYDUCK. They put Psy in front of Duck. Zu Bat, Jiggly Puff, Pika (animal) Chu (squeak), Sand Shrew? The names now are MUCH more creative. MUCH MUCH MORE. Chandelure is much more creative than basically any 1st gen name. Snivy vs Bulbasaur? Well Bulbasaur is literally Bulb A Saur, which means "Dinosaur Bud" when put into a more modern context. Snivy requires more thinking to figure out that it's Snake + Ivy, and they removed letters from Snake to make it more clever. I mean, Ditto is literally just ditto, which is a synonym for "copy". Incredibly Cheesy. And yes, 3DS. They created a new product. Of course they are going to release it on their new product, especially when sales are low. Now people who truly love the Pokemon series will be forced to buy the 3DS. Being that most Pokemon players don't own a 3DS yet, this will increase their sales by A LOT. Plus, this was the same thing people said when Gameboy was moved to DS, but it was bound to happen. Don't complain about progress. You have 10 months to buy one so if you don't get one you really have no one to blame but yourself. Plus, your complaining means that you actually want it but are making it seem like you don't to justify not having one. Psychology. And Pokemon aren't always based off of animals. Victreebell, Ditto, Sunflora, Golem, Grimer, Claydol, Shuppet, Regice, etc are not possibly animals last time I checked. The incorporation of more non-living things is just a good idea for Pokemon. You can't support the argument that it's getting worse by any means. Every 5th gen Pokemon is cool in it's own way. It's getting much better through the years you need to play a lot more and realize that, or stop complaining. Because if it sucks that badly, then just don't play. Simple as that! If Pokemon sucks so badly in your opinion, then don't play and don't be on a Pokemon sight complaining about it. Just ignore it if it bothers you that much! Ignoring makes less people type posts like this that prove you wrong and make you feel bested.

wow if this was facebook I would like that create a new profile and like it again you got served Playmaster99

01-24-2013, 08:12 PM
wow if this was facebook I would like that create a new profile and like it again

Lol, I am going to steal this saying.