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01-26-2013, 03:39 AM
The Whimsical Adventure of N
Have you ever flown around the world on a giant Zekrom? I have. In fact, it's what I'm doing right now. Hi, my name's N Harmonia. Don't ask about my weird name, my dad kinda hates me. It shows in the name, right? Anyway, as I said, I'm writing to you from a giant Zekrom, my... good friend. You're probably wondering, "Hey N, why are you writing to me, an insignificant trainer?"
Well I'll tell you! Being on a Zekrom in the great sky is really exciting at first and all, but there's not much scenery beyond the clouds an' such. Sure, talking to a great big black dragon might seem interesting to some, but Zekrom hasn't really talked to anyone for about 2000 years and he's a bit... damaged after taking one-too-many Fusion Flares to the face. Our first conversation told me everything I needed to know.
Me: Hello, my name's N, I'm a hero and I've come to capture you! In a good way. Cause I am your friend.
Zekrom: ...
Me: Nice to meet you?
Zekrom: ... Do you like ideals?
Me: Yes! I have a particular ideal with Team Plasma to-
The next day… I'm writing to you today on the subject of... how I'm able to write to you while in the sky. (I can tell you one thing right now - it's much harder than you'd think to find a pen. Zekrom sure is more useful than you'd think, but I never want to talk about that again. EVER.) It all started shortly after I made my dramatic exit after the events with The Trainer Who Must Not Be Named Yet, I was feeling pretty good. I was in the sky. I was looking cool. I had green hair. Life was really going well. Looking down, I noticed that there seemed to be some kind of object flying towards me. Curious, I watched it come closer until it was in catching distance. I threw a poke ball at it, and managed to capture the UFO. Inside was a box labelled "GAME FREAK" on it. Game Freak? What does this have to do with me? I asked myself.
Inside the box was a letter, this journal, and an odd blue item that opened to reveal two screens. Some kind of... gaming device? They had always been popular with the humans too lazy to help Pokémon, at least that's what Dad said. Maybe that would be another lie.
Anyway, I decided to open the letter.
"Congratulations N Harmonia!
You have finished your role in the -Pokémon Black- main quest! Due to your good work, the Game Freak team have rewarded you! Enclosed is a new 3DS with a special version of Pokémon Black inside. Feel free to try out our new-and-improved Extralink features, allowing you to enter entirely new dimensions! You can inform everyone of your progress by writing in the journal inscribed and slotting it into the fax machine in Zekrom's back.
Have fun, and good luck!
So yeah, that's what happened. Don't ask me what that letter meant, I have no clue. I think they sent it to the wrong N Harmonia. I'm not an actor or whatever it is they want. It must have been some joke. Pokémon aren't toys! They're my friends! And since when did Zekrom have a fax machine?
"Since always, m'lord!" was his reply. (Did he just acquire a British peasant's accent?) Apparently he keeps a blog too. Seems he knows what's going on more than me.
Well, that's what's been happening with me so far. It's been fun talking to you, really! I'd love to receive any help letters about these sinister game freaks. I think they might be Pokémon kidnappers. Join me next time where I ask, "What would The Trainer Who Must Not Be Named Yet do?"