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05-19-2013, 10:20 PM
I have been writing a book and I'm really proud of it so far. Here's the prologue. Tell me how you Like it

Alarms were wailing as a figure rushed by the views of two guards, who had thick armor and assault weapons. All they could do to keep up with the figure was keep running. Bill, who was the figure, kept running through the winding passageways to avoid the gunfire that came from behind him.
Bill came across a room full of stacked crates, leaving only three narrow gaps to fit through. Bill came to a full stop and started thinking about which way to go. He heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind him. Bill made a split decision and ran through the middle passageway. Bill had to make so many turns to get through these crates.
As Bill rounded another corner, he looked up and noticed that the crates weren’t touching the ceiling anymore. Bill then decided to give his new equipment a shot. He thought of a spring that could get him on top of the crates and felt his body launched by the contraption onto the top of the crate. The spring made its way back to the source, his back. Bill noticed that it was still sore from where the mechanism was placed.
Bill waited until he stopped panting heavily. He listened and noticed that he didn’t hear any footsteps. Bill found it strange that they had stopped following him.
Bill quickly thought up a mirror that would detach and allow him to see his back. He felt the machine do the work rather quickly and Bill was holding a mirror in no time. This would be the first time he would see his back.
As Bill turned the mirror in the right angle, he noticed the effects. The skin around where the mechanism had been placed was a peach pink and was swelling only slightly. The skin around the mechanism made it look like the mechanism was part of his body. Then he saw the mechanism.
It was a square shape and completely black. He didn’t see where the mechanism opened to retrieve the machine world portal within. What had the scientists discovered? This was an abomination that a person should not bear. The science behind how the scientists created the machine world, much less, the portal, was more complex.
Bill didn’t have time to think about this though. He had to get the machine and himself out of the building. Bill then heard the sound of footsteps again. He looked down the ledge, all 12 feet, down to where he heard the sound. A dozen or more soldiers were running by. That’s when Bill got a crazy idea. He quickly thought it out and found himself in the same suit as the other soldiers.
Bill dropped down silently behind the last soldier, and then followed in step with the rest of the soldiers. Eventually, they came out of the room and into a hallway. At the far end of the hallway was an elevator. The soldiers then hurried into the elevator, fitting four with Bill and the rest headed up the stairs. The squad leader, as Bill assumed, pressed a button and it lit up with the number “100”. As Bill and the soldiers stood there breathing heavily, Bill noticed that the four that he was with had a patch on their arms. He then noticed the largest was his old leader.
When the elevator doors opened, the soldiers burst out aiming their guns at different targets, such as pipes, ledges, corners, and other areas. Bill stepped out and saw he was on the rooftop. The last nine soldiers came out. The leader noticed that there were 13 rather than 12. He noticed that Bill’s suit was different in one way, it didn’t have the patch.
Bill put his suit on and tried to escape. He dashed off in the opposite direction and wove around a few pipes and corners until he found another elevator, he thought it wise not to take it anywhere. He kept moving until he came to the edge of the building. Bill didn’t want to jump; he was afraid of heights, so he stopped and turned around and raised his hands in surrender. “Wait, wait, I surre-” he tried to say. Bill was too late; the soldiers were coming around the corner raising their weapons.
Bill started thinking of a teleporting machine and a cloning machine. In the midst of teleporting, Bill saw the clone he had left behind shot until it fell dead, screaming in agony.
* * * *
Once the soldiers finished the firing and they were sure Bill was dead, the leader spoke into his radio and called for someone. The soldiers started forming a perimeter around the dead body. They stood and watched for any signs of the strange and dangerous.
The smell of the body under the sun was starting to move along into the ventilation of the team’s helmets. They had suffered some losses in the chase, their old leader, pilot, and their scout. The soldiers would have to wait until new recruits signed up for the job. They knew that it would be a long process, so they didn’t expect any new assignments for a while.
The door to the elevator started to open with a ding as it reached the roof again. A person came out at around the age of 38. As the man came around the corner, the soldiers stood in attention and saluted. The man had a leather jacket zipped on with a patch that had the letters KO on them. The letters were surrounded in a shield with a sword going behind it. He was built tall and sort of slim. He had black hair and green eyes. This person just so happened to be the head of the organization the soldiers were in.
“At ease,” the boss said in his deep, powered voice. The soldiers stepped aside, revealing the body that lay on the ground. The boss walked up to it and crouched down next to it, the stench filling his nose.
“Couldn’t jump, could you?” the boss whispered to the body. Something caught his eye and, without moving his head, looked to see what it was. He saw a lone figure standing on the hill just past the ledge. He was looking up at the building, seemingly looking at the boss specifically. All the boss could do then was pop a quick grin and suddenly had an idea.
“Knight, are you okay?” asked the leader.
“Just fine,” Knight said as he stood. “The prototype was a success, only until he tried to run off. Men, I’ve sent for three people to join your team. I’ve looked at their records and they’re fit for the job. Let them have a taste of this organization. The last to get any sort of injury will come here as the first product.”
“Yes, sir,” replied the soldiers. They started heading back towards the elevator, leaving Knight on the roof, who pulled something out of his inner jacket pocket. Knight looked into a picture with a younger version of himself with his wife and two sons. This picture was nearly 8 years old and it was already getting worn. His sons today were 18 and 20. “I’ll be waiting for you Will.”

05-19-2013, 10:30 PM
Omg,that reminds me of myself.

05-19-2013, 10:32 PM
How so? And which character? Bill?

05-19-2013, 10:33 PM
Excellent. :-) Awesome in every way.

05-19-2013, 10:35 PM
thanks. and to imagine, that's been a daydream in my head for about 2 years now

05-19-2013, 10:37 PM
I'm supposed to be writing one... It was around 250 pages when I stopped.

05-19-2013, 10:41 PM
wow...that's crazy.

05-19-2013, 11:00 PM
No,the monster.

05-20-2013, 04:34 AM
I don't remember putting a monster in the prologue...which person in the prologue is he like?

05-20-2013, 04:44 PM
Here's the first chapter. It's the shortest one I have so far. the longest is coming

Chapter 1

The grass swayed gently in the breeze as William sat watching the clouds make their way slowly across the sky. He could hear the lone tree leaves rustling on the hill that overlooks the town. William wished he could just live here, on the hill, watching the clouds and resting, but he lived near the center of town. Another breeze kicked up, rustling the grass again.
When the breeze finally stopped, the grass still whispered in his ear. William turned to see a short, slim woman, no older than 40, approaching. She wore a purple T-shirt and grey jogging shorts that reached just below her knees. This woman just so happened to be William’s mom.
“Hey, Will. I thought you’d be home at one, so I decided to take a jog around town. I didn’t expect to find you here,” said his mom.
“Well I thought that you’d be at home. I went by to see if you wanted to jog, but I didn’t see you. So, in turn, I came here,” he replied.
“You look like you need a jog, too. Come on.”
Will went on a jog to get his daily exercise before his graduation tomorrow.
Will is 18 and a senior in high school. He’s one of those kids that are usually singled out just because he excels in Math and Science. HE doesn’t even know why because he does as many sports that he’s allowed. Will was tall slim with a more athletic tone, and had dark brown eyes. His hair was usually cut short and jet black.
When running track, his mother decided to join him in the monthly marathon. She thought that would inspire him to keep on going and to never give up, which this did happen to him. Ever since then, Will and his mom do a 6 mile jog to prepare him for what he wants to do when he graduates; join the frontlines.
Will’s father disappeared randomly around 8 years ago, leaving only one clue so as to where he went. His father left a letter that said:
Will and Marie,
I’ve gone to finish something up. I can’t
say exactly what it is, maybe when Will is older,
but not now. All I want Will to do for me is to join
the frontlines.
P.S. You’re a Knight Will, Find it…
The last part to the letter made no sense other than the fact that his last name IS Knight. John never showed his face since that day. Will and other people of the town thought that John died. They held a funeral for John, but with an empty coffin.
Will knew just about every place his father would go when he was away from home. His father would’ve gone to the bowling alley some days, the bar on rare occasions, and to Will’s school on most days. Will really did wonder why his father hung around in place like these. Out of all of these places though, he never did find his father.
So, like his father had asked him to, in two weeks, he’s going to graduate and join the Army Frontlines.
* * * *
“..So now our generation can join the real world!” exclaimed Kelly, who is the spokesperson to the senior class of the school.
Like a thunderstorm, everyone slowly cheered until the auditorium rang with applause. Only one person didn’t cheer, the one person who had to leave on a jet to South Carolina in 3 hours, the person whose name is Will.
He stood up and started making his way to the door. A teacher noticed that Will had gotten up and thought that he was up for the next speech. The teacher stopped him before he was within 30 paces of the door.
“I know you’re nervous for this speech-’’ the teacher tried to start.
“Actually,” interrupted Will, “I have somewhere to be.” He didn’t get another ten paces closer to the door before a familiar voice called, “You’re leaving?”
Will turned to see the one girl he didn’t want to leave. The girl who had been his friend throughout school and the one he had a crush on, who has a crush on him, too.
A short, thin girl walked up to him. She had dark brown hair that went past her shoulders and hazel eyes.
“Yes, Arielle, I thought I told you.”
“Yes, you did, but you didn’t say you’d be leaving so soon.”
“I’ll come back, I promise.”
She stared right into his eyes for moment, in which he now wished that he never did join, and then with a final sigh, she replied, “Ok.”
After that, they said their good-bye, and he walked out the door. Once he was outside the door, he heard her footsteps behind him going at a fast pace. He turned and in a flash of brown hair, found himself kissing her.
She stepped back after about a minute and said, “Good-bye.”
He turned and kept walking afterwards. Will stopped at the statue of the knight on a horse that sat in the main area of the school. Will thought he saw something out of the corner of his eye. By the time he turned, the silhouette had disappeared. Another thing caught his eye, on the knight’s leg, was the name of his father engraved onto the metal.
Will then suspiciously walked away and out of the school. It was time he joined the army.

05-20-2013, 04:51 PM
This was very good! I really liked it, I can't wait to read the rest of it! It looks like a really good story, I'm wondering what happens next already...

05-20-2013, 05:03 PM
Lol. It gets interesting fast but I think more excitement will come as the story progresses.

05-20-2013, 07:43 PM

05-20-2013, 07:44 PM
Check out my stories!they are pretty cool too.

05-20-2013, 07:48 PM
Trust me, that's nothing compared to the rest I have. I wrote that when I was like 13, and the 14 at chapter 2, then finally started continuing chapter 3 at 15. I'm on chapter 6 now, not done, only a paragraph in. when I finish posting the last four i HAVE done, don't expect the others to come daily. Expect week to 2 week intervals. They'll be long.

05-21-2013, 04:47 PM
Chapter 2
The flight from home was hard for Will, leaving his family and all. When he arrived at the base, the drill sergeants were waiting for the unit already. They all marched from where the plane had landed to the preparation area. Will could already tell that this was going to be the longest three months of training.
* * * *
Will had guessed correctly before basic training started, it was long. In fact, it was one of the hardest things for Will’s unit to do. Thanks to the sports Will did, he thought it was easier than what he first thought.
The mail was the one thing about basic training that lightened Will’s mood, since he got letters from his mom and Arielle. They usually asked questions like, ‘How is basic training coming along?’ or ‘What’s going on in basic?’ But other than that, it was just the casual, ‘Hi, how are you? What’s new?’
There was one instance during lunch that Will was sitting and reading his letter from Arielle when his drill sergeant came by holding a letter in his hand.
“Is your full name William J. Knight, son?” he asked watching Will carefully up and down.
“Yes, sir, I thought that you already knew that, sir,” replied Will a bit confused at the query.
“This letter just arrived here,” the drill sergeant started, “It’s been scanned several times but it seems like a regular letter.”
“May I ask why you had to go and scan the letter?” Will queried.
“This letter here was sent on a ‘special delivery’ to you,” the drill sergeant said, handing Will the letter.
Will was puzzled at this moment. Will looked all around the letter to find out who sent it. All he found was a seal that had the letters KO. Will opened the letter and started reading:

I have received the news as to that you have joined the
frontlines. I have asked for you to move on to the Elites
now. I have received approval and your drill sergeants have
already been informed. I will be seeing you shortly now.

The letter confused him. Who was this person that knew him so well that he wanted him to join the Elites? Who was he to tell Will what to do? The name confused Will. “K” kept ringing in and out of his ears. Will thought, Oh well, at least I know now that I have to expect more torture from here on out. He never bothered the subject after that, but rather kept the letter close at hand from then on.
During basic, Will made two friends that signed up for the same area of the army Will did. They were both equally as good as him in almost everything. Will did better than them in leadership though. He always seemed to lead the squad he was assigned to better than anyone else. One night, the trio was talking about what graduation was going to be like until they realized they never introduced themselves. The shortest of them started.
“Well, my name is Alex Johnson. I’m 18 going on 19 this year. My father is in the air force, but I don’t like flying, so instead, I came here to do something different. What about you?” indicating to the tallest of the three.
“I was named by my parents Jacob Davidson, but I prefer Jack. I came from Texas, just off of San Antonio, feeling like I need something to do with my life. So then, that leaves just you,” looking over at Will.
“I like being called Will, but I was named William Knight-”
“Whoa, as in the Knight Organization?” interrupted Jack.
“The what organization?”
“Knight Organization,” started Alex, “founded by John Knight himself, still in the flesh and blood. Why? Oh, let me guess, he randomly left you at a young age leaving only a clue to where he went and you’ve thought he’s dead this whole time and you haven’t heard of the organization because of your father until now.”
“No. My father wrote a note and left. Some street gang cornered him and killed him.”
Both Alex and Jack sat gaping at Will. All they just said was mostly true. That was the moment of realization for Will; could his father possibly be the same guy that Alex and Jack were talking about? Will started getting dizzy from this information.
“Hey, are you alright?” asked Alex.
“I just need some fresh air-”
“Alright!” came the drill sergeant, “Get up lazy boys! Your dream day has finally arrived! Dress yourselves! Let’s go, go, go! Knight, Johnson, and Davidson, stay here. I need to have a word with you.”
As soon as all of the men had dressed and marched out of the barracks, the first sergeant started. “You three signed up for a team that needs three slots filled. Sadly enough, you’re moving to advanced training, also known as, the Elite training. This will be the hardest month any private will ever experience. You’ll be assigned a new drill sergeant; he’ll crush you into tomato juice,” spitting at them as he said this, “harder than anyone ever will. For now, plan out an escape from graduation. We’ll be waiting for your return. Is that clear enough?”
The trio willingly replied, “Sir, yes, sir!”
They started marching along after the rest of the unit. The unit had Will as leader, marching next to the unit giving orders as to what to do. The unit marched between the barracks and around the back side of the field. The field was the width of two football fields and the length of one. On the far side of the field from where they were set to march, there were stands for the army wives and children to sit where speeches were being given.
As Will scanned the open region he noticed there was only one way for an exit, around the backside of the stands and to the woods. Will kept a mental note that a helicopter carrying the base commander landed somewhere in the direction that Will planned on going to.
The entire unit stood at attention, with Jack and Alex at the back, and Will at the front. The scorching sun made it hotter for the unit rather than the people in the stands. The sun made it hard to see the crowd, but from what Will could tell, there were around 500 people watching.
When the announcer signaled the unit to split, Will, Alex, and Jack would try in any way possible to get to specific set coordinates in 10 minute, but how would they get there that fast?
That’s when it struck him, this is the start of the elite training. All three had to think of a way to get to those coordinates without harming anyone or being stopped. Will immediately had a plan and signaled the others, barely moving. While doing this, he noticed a silhouette in the announcer’s box. He was alone and had his head turned in his direction.
The announcer told the crowd that they could go down to reunite with their newly formed soldiers. Will had to act fast if he was to get to the chopper on the other side of the field. Will started moving through the crowd of soldiers and crying families.
“Will?” an extremely familiar voice called.
Will slowly turned to see Arielle looking a little confused. “Hey…”, Will replied, “Wh-what are you doing here?”
“To see you, why else?” she replied, a little taken aback, “Where are you going?”
“I can only give you the short version to where and why. I was told to go somewhere else when they dismissed us. I have to go to the second part of my training, but after that I swear I’ll come back” Will said, holding Arielle’s shoulders at this point. Will looked her dead in the eyes, which were going red slowly, and said, “This time, it’s a promise, I will come back.”
Arielle hesitated and choked, “Okay, but I hope that you can keep this one like you have the others.”
“I will. I’m Will, promise-keeper to Arielle. I have to go now, I’ll see you soon.” He gave her a peck on the cheek and let her go.
Once Will had turned the corner, his companions had puzzled and confused looks about why he was gone for so long. Will went ahead and told them, “Arielle caught up with me,” before they could ask who Arielle was, Will walked past them and said, “Come on. We’re running out of time.”
Alex and Jack followed immediately without argument. The trio headed through the woods at the edge of the field. After a few scrapes and bruises, they came stumbling out into a clearing where the transport helicopter for the base commander sat.
Alex got into the pilot’s seat without hesitation. Jack sat copilot to set the coordinates for them to fly. Will sat in one of the passenger seats and watched the ground go by the whole way, wondering why he left Arielle hanging in the way he did.

05-22-2013, 02:25 PM
Who wants to read more?

05-25-2013, 11:19 PM
Oh well. I think I may as well post it

Chapter 3
The Elites

Will’s mind was not at peace the entire time. He kept thinking back to the way he left Arielle, alone and crying. Another thought that shoved in was the fact that his father left for some organization group to be built. Apparently, the group was well known almost everywhere. Then the fact that he was about to apply himself to something he never expected was quite puzzling.
Alex started to set the helicopter down to land about 5 minutes after they took off from the clearing they’d found it at. This clearing has a different shape to it than the last one’s more perfect circle. Instead, this one has a dirt ground and is large enough to fit one and a half school buses length wise.
Once Alex touched the ground, the sound of jeeps penetrated the sound of the helicopter blades. Alex turned off the engine and stepped out. Jack followed suit. Will came out last to find three forest jeeps on the far side of the clearing. The middle jeep doors opened and all Will could see was a set of combat boots hit the ground.
A thick, strong hand closed the door. Standing next to the jeep was the most muscular person Will had ever seen. He wore a forest green t-shirt that was torn at the sleeves and combat trousers. He wore a dog tag around his neck. His face has a dozen or so battle scars as it seemed.
The front and back jeeps’ doors opened and out stepped a dozen army men. Each had M16s and desert eagles, all in full uniform. It seemed these men were ready for any danger to come.
The first one that had stepped out started making his way to the waiting companions. When he was only ten paces away, he stopped and asked, “Who are you?”
Alex, Jack, and Will were still in shock. All they were able to word out was, “Erm……”
The tall man asked, “Well?”
Alex finally spoke up, “I’m Alex, and these two are Will and Jack.”
The tall man smirked and said, “You’re joking right…” When he saw the trios’ look of confusion, he continued, “Well that’s got to change. You,” looking down at Alex, “will be Eagle. You,” now looking at Jack, “will be Deuce and you, now noticing Will, “will be Wolf. I am Bear. Now let’s go, we don’t want our heads chopped now do we.”
Will, Jack, and Alex looked at each other confused yet scared. They followed Bear into the middle jeep and all the jeeps drove off.
* * * *
For what seemed like two hours of driving, and being looked at as if they were jokes in a book by Bear, the jeeps came to a stop. Jack got out first, then Alex, and finally Will.
They looked around and saw only more wood. A few birds flew overhead (which sent a bomb to one of the units), howler monkeys were making a ruckus, and bushes rustled.
Will thought, Wait, bushes don’t rustle by themselves. The units formed a wide circle around the four Elites. Then, all at once, everything stopped. Will looked around until he saw something flash by behind the underbrush. Alex saw something from where he was looking. The units started going to a dark figure, guns pointed at him.
“I-Identify y-yourself,” said a nervous soldier.
Bear’s eyes widened and the trio saw why. Something was…moving on the figure. It looked mechanical but it was moving as if being controlled.
Bear said almost at a whisper, “But the prototype was supposed to be destroyed.” Then he said to the trio, “When he makes his move drop on the ground and avoid the fight.”
“But why?” asked Alex.
“Just do it.” Bear said through gritted teeth.
Will saw what he meant. The mechanical things seemed to be coming from the figure. Then it happened.
The trio dropped as soon as they saw him move. The figure jumped at least 20 feet in the air and Will saw the mechanism, it seemed to be on his back. The mechanism seemed to have two swords and two machine pistols and the guy was provided a sword and gun in each of his hands. Will got a glimpse of the face before the figure went into a frenzy. The person had green eyes, short brown hair, a short curved nose, and bushy eyebrows. The mechanisms were all black though and glowed blue in lines.
He landed as fast as he jumped and Will stopped looking. Once all gunfire had stopped, Will looked up to see no trace of the units except for cut marks on the wood and a fallen tree. All that lay on the ground was a thin layer of dust. In the middle of the area, the man stood, watching Will and his companions.
His weapons were missing and he didn’t have a single scratch on him. Will noticed this was the figure that he saw before he left the school. He stood up and the man just watched.
“Who are you?” Will asked.
“Why should I say, when you’ll find out?” then he seemed to glow blue and disappeared.
Alex and Jack were tending to an unconscious Bear. He groaned and fidgeted.
“He’ll be alright.” A voice said from behind.
Will spun around ready for anything.
The voice came from one of three men coming up.
All of them wore similar things that the units wore; similar to the clothing of Bear, except they wore forest green short sleeved jackets over the shirts. Each equipped with a sniper, gadgets on the second guy, and dual pistols for the third.
The guy with gadgets seemed to know what he was doing because when he stepped back from Bear, he was awake and seemed to be alright.
The sniper man said, “Name’s Ghost. Gadget boy there is Rat, and this is Fox.” The sniper guy had shaggy black hair and eyes to match. Rat was probably the smallest of all. He had buzz-cut black hair, and brown eyes. The third guy had blond hair put in a ponytail, and blue eyes. Wait a second, Will thought, that’s not a man, that’s a woman.
“Come on, let’s head back to HQ.” said Fox. Walking to the right of where Alex, Jack, Will, and Bear had come. So the rest of the six followed close behind until they came to a large tree trunk. Fox pulled up one of the bark pieces and looked under it. It must have been a scanner, for her eye glowed green for a second.
The trunk of the tree then opened to reveal a staircase leading underground. Fox and the others went in. Will, Alex, and Jack looked amazed that this was here in a forest and disappeared into the tunnel.
The man from before came out from behind a tree and examined the now-closed tree trunk, pulled out a global tracker and placed it under a root. Then he walked off back to the underbrush.
“Don’t worry Will. All in due time will you find out everything…” he muttered. Then the air seemed to shimmer with the blue aura Will saw earlier and, with a pop, the strange man disappeared.

05-25-2013, 11:28 PM
As awesome as the last 2 chapters and prologue! Will keep reading!

05-25-2013, 11:36 PM
Since I'm behind a day or two, I'll post chapter 4 now....

Chapter 4
The metallic footsteps bothered will as the Elites continued to make their way further and further underground. The stairs were lit up just enough to see them. The walls were becoming more and more separated from each other as they climbed down. It seemed like ten minutes to Will when they finally reached a double door. Fox led the way through the doors to come out into a hallway with tiled floors and concrete walls, nothing penetrating them except for a few creases that puzzled Will.
Fox made a left at the end of the hallway and led them to a set of double doors. She pushed them open so that everyone could see yet another hallway. The trio looked at each other in amazement of how big the place was; even to be hiding under a forest.
Suddenly, Will lost track of which turns led to where. It seemed more of a maze then anything. Five turns later, they came across a single door with a pin pad next to it. Rat walked up and punched in ten to twelve digits, but Will didn’t see which ones they were.
Bear stepped forward this time and turned the nob, which clicked about half turn. Then he reached to the ceiling, which was surprisingly tall, and touched a crack. The door popped open and they filed in. Will stepped in first and turned around to watch the others come in. Alex and Jack were the last two to enter. Then, Will saw their faces light up, but not only from the lights that turned on, but rather with excitement and surprise.
Will turned around and saw why. The wall he had been leaning on had three words that he’d never dream of finding:
Knight Organization HQ10
Will was stunned. He had so many questions to ask. Why was it called Knight Organization? What’s the purpose of the Knight Organization? Who runs it? And now, most of all, how come the Elites were affiliated with them?
“Holy smokes. We’ve hit the jackpot Alex!” exclaimed Jack.
“I know you’re a Jackpot,” at this, Jack glared at Alex, “but this is the most unimaginable thing EVER.”
“Why are you guys so excited about being here?” asked Will.
“This organization is one of the strongholds of all of the governments,” started Fox, “This base is number 10 because of how many people run it. You may not realize it yet, but we’re at the bottom. The main one is in New York with topping 100 of the best soldiers. We only train them. After you get out of this one, they pull you into one of the ten. If you’re special enough, they even pull you into number 1, BUT, I’m sorry to say, we won’t be in here long. Rat forgot his textbooks in here again.”
Rat didn’t even flinch. Instead, he looked at Fox calmly and said, “No, it’s just that I need to retrieve what our next mission will be.” With this, he went towards one of the computers, and, with some rapid typing, came back with a folder that was bulging with old papers. Will heard a printer start up towards his left.
“It seems like the boss-man wants to see what the ‘new and improved team’ can do this time,” Rat explained while rolling his eyes.
“Maybe the ‘boss-man’ wants to test out the skills of tweedles Dee, Dum, and Doh,” Bear joked, chuckling as he said this.
Alex was looking a bit on the livid side of town. “Hey now-” he started.
Ghost stepped in front of him this time and spoke for the first time since they were outside, “You listen here, no back talking to your superiors.” Only then did Will see how dark his eyes looked. They seemed like deep pits that ended with his slate gray eyeballs, which made it give him his name, ‘Ghost’. This person had apparently been in the battlefield for several years now.
“Ease off Ghost,” Fox said with intensity, “These guys just came from basic training and they will learn real quickly what it’s like to be an Elite.”
The seven of them left the room with the printed papers and started back through the maze of hallways until they came across four doors separated from each other in equal distances. Each door had a black slate with carvings forming the other Elites names. On the other side of the hallway sat three more doors with clean slates with no names engraved at all.
Will was startled at this and wondered just how many people have come in and out of this place. Will was told to pick a room in which he picked the middle door. Fox pulled out a carving knife that was chipped in some areas along the blade. She handed the knife to Will saying, “Go on, Wolf, carve it in first.”
Will started carving his name in, noticing the difficulty behind the task. Once he finished, he passed on the knife to Alex and went inside his room. The room was quite basic, being only 3 yards wide, 6 long, and 4 tall. There was a bed that looked as hard as a rock in the back right corner. The sheets were tucked in under the mattress and the pillow sat on top of the sheets. There was a wardrobe in the left corner, in which Will found his change of clothes. A single light bulb hung from the ceiling with a dog chain to turn it on.
Bear appeared in the doorway. “Get some sleep; you’re going to need, because tomorrow…..we’re going to start the hard stuff.”
“Sir, yes, sir,” replied Will, wondering what could be harder than what they just did.
Bear closed the door and left Will alone. Will found the light switch and turned it on. Will looked around and decided that he’d best be ready for whatever will happen. He went into his wardrobe and dressed into his new clothes. After he put on his boots and fell onto his bed. The one thing he could think at that moment was of how Arielle was feeling and what she was doing.
* * * *
It only seemed like Will got two or three hours of sleep when, all of a sudden, alarms started blaring louder than a rock concert at full volume.
Will nearly fell out of his bed when the alarms went off. He threw the sheets off of him and bolted towards the door. He pulled the door open and looked around wildly. All six doors were still closed until Jack came bursting out to his right. Alex came out a minute after Jack. Both of them looked confused. Will realized that the strange person from earlier was here for the documents in the main room. Will turned left and bolted taking the turns that he remembered from yesterday.
Will ran into a room that was round and had a door on the other end of the room, he didn’t bother looking any longer. Will started back out the room and found his way back and continued the path he had thought he was taking. Will heard Alex and Jack closely behind him. When Will reached the door, he asked what the digits were from Alex and Jack. Alex stepped up and started punching in digits.
Once he stepped back, Jack turned the nob until the click occurred and, with Alex’s help, pressed on the crack. Jack swung the door open and took a quick sweep of the room, Alex and Will following close at hand.
When the sweep was done and they had checked every place, they started back towards the door. Fox, Ghost, Bear, and Rat had appeared in the doorway. Rat was holding a stopwatch in his hand. He clicked the stop button and said, “6 minutes and 23 seconds, just as predicted. I do suspect that Alex came out of your rooms first,” gazing at the trio quizzically.
Alex responded, “No, when I came out, Will was already outside his room.”
“Ah, I left out the part of him running nearly all of his life. Will was the one who made the choice to come to this room. What made you think this?”
Will was stunned. He started, “Well, I thought that the prototype had gotten into the complex and was after the plans.”
Bear had a darkened look at this point, “You do realize what you would’ve been messing with right? You saw what happened to those soldiers. They were turned to dust Will, dust. If I could barely hold him off, then I doubt that you would’ve lasted very long.”
“What is he or what is he equipped with that makes him so dangerous?”
“A piece of technology that should never have been revealed.”
“It’s not helping me understand, Bear.”
“You can’t beat him no matter how hard you try.”
Will took a step forward, “I bet I can beat him, with or without that technology.”

05-25-2013, 11:37 PM
“Then if you want to beat the prototype, then get to the training,” growled Bear. He turned on his heel and walked off.
Fox shook her head and waved them to come with her, “Let’s go. You’ve got a long day ahead of you.” They, as a group, walked back through the maze of hallways in a different direction.
Fox opened a new set of double doors. She pushed them open to reveal a large room with every sort of training equipment. Fox went over some of the guidelines to what each set of equipment was supposed to help with. Will already knew what most of the equipment did.
When Fox finished, she assigned each one of the trio to a separate set of equipment. They were to move along a list that she gave each of them that they had to complete within the day. There were about 50 different things to do throughout. They were expected to complete the list twice a day.
In the break between going through a second round, they got a chance for lunch at 2:00 p.m. Lunch was eaten in the gym on the wrestling arena. The trio took this chance to talk.
“So what do you guys think of this new area of training?” asked Alex.
“Well, for one, it’s definitely painful. I just want to know how long this’ll be going on for,” Jack queried.
“I have no clue, but I bet it’ll be until we pass some test they’ll put us up to.”
That was the last thing any of them said before the next round of training. They were on the last set for each of them when Fox walked in.
“Ah, I see you guys are almost done now. I should probably let you guys know that you only get one more day of this. It’ll be a stay or leave test, so put all of your efforts into tomorrow. Good luck,” exclaimed Fox.
Will was dumbstruck at these surprising news. He wondered why this was happening. He wasn’t ready to take a test this early. Fox walked away without further question. The trio hurried off to their rooms and fell asleep the moment they hit their mattresses.
* * * *
The next day didn’t start the same, but Will still woke up as early as possible. He hurried down back to the gym and started early to get as much done as possible as best as his body would allow. Jack and Alex came into the gym shortly after Will had started. They were able to complete two rounds of the list before the designated lunch break.
Lunch carried on quickly without any words of discussion whatsoever. Alex seemed to engulf his food because when Will looked up from his food, Alex was already gone. Jack had maybe two more spoonful’s left of his food. Once Will finally left, Alex was nowhere to be seen in the gym. Will went ahead and started his third round. Jack could be heard on the rock climbing equipment, with his grunting and shouting.
Five minutes later, Alex came out of the door that led to the restrooms with his face pale. He took a seat next to Will, who was running on a treadmill.
“You know, I shouldn’t have eaten my food that fast. I should have thought about the consequences,” said Alex.
“Slow and steady wins the race. Everybody is told that at some point in their life. I was told ever since I started running for marathon races. I didn’t take it as seriously as you just did, but I learned real quickly,” explained Will.
Alex was nodding his heads when Will looked over, even though his steady bouncing. “Thank you. If there’s anything you are other being an athlete and a leader, I think you are a good guy. Anyone would be lucky to be a friend, especially that girl you mentioned the other day.” With these words, Alex walked away, leaving Will feeling all the more better.
After Alex had left, Will pushed his limits further than he had ever done since he joined the Elites. He went through three rounds of his training before finally heading to bed with Alex and Jack.
All Will thought about that night, for another night in a row, was of Arielle. Will left his gear on this time, knowing that Fox, Bear, and the other two Elites. Within the minute, Will found that his eyelids are growing heavier, allowing the darkness around him to engulf him into a deep sleep.
* * * *
Will found himself walking towards his school with someone. Will turned to see who it was and found that it was the one mysterious person from before. His face was screwed in concentration as he approached the looming building.
Will looked down and found himself in a blue t-shirt and a thin, black leather jacket. He was wearing blue jeans and black boots that looked like something out of a movie. Will could only wonder how he got here.
“Don’t worry I’m no danger to you at this current moment.” Will turned in shock that he knew he was walking next to him. “I just want to show you something.”
“Who are you? All I want to know is your name,” Will asked.
“You’ll find out in a few minutes here. And I know you’re wondering how I know you’re there. I manipulated your dreams using a device that I left behind after following you into the forest.”
At this point, they were at the doors, in which the person pushed open for Will to go through. Will was expecting the school to be destroyed, but it was still intact. After walking into the school, Will recognized the library to the left, the knight on the horse in front of him, and the office to the right.
“Where are we going?” queried Will.
“Just a bit further,” said the person, still walking forward.
“Hey, who are you?” a teacher said as she came around the corner.
“A visitor,” he replied, showing his face to the teacher, “I’m sorry,” he said to Will, “but my name will have to wait until another time.”
At that moment, Will was sent flying into the endless void of darkness, into which he went into his dreams again, confused and ready for anything. At least he knew that the stranger never really did leave.

05-26-2013, 06:42 PM
Woooooah....so epic 0.0

05-26-2013, 07:21 PM
Which part? The battle that wasn't seen?

05-26-2013, 07:36 PM
As excellent as always!

05-27-2013, 02:52 PM
Chapter 5
The Test
The alarms went off, blaring into Will’s dreams like a faint call. Will shot out of bed when he recognized what the alarms were. Here I go, the moment I have been training for, he thought.
Will bolted out of the door and took a left, becoming startled as he saw the obstacles popping out from the walls – they looked just like the wall, some went from the ceiling to waist height, some went from floor to mid stomach, some even revealed a pit in the floor - but he did not stop. Will started dodging left and right as obstacles sprang out, these were floor to ceiling and leaving enough space to dodge, jumping and ducking, turning left and right, literally bouncing from wall to wall, as he went by each of the obstacles that stood in his way. The obstacles became more complex as he had to dive through a box shaped hole. He heard Alex and Jack somewhere behind him. Will only now understood why there were creases in the walls now, because that was where the obstacles came from.
Will noticed a change in him as he went past each obstacle; he was moving faster and more agilely than he had ever done in his life. The obstacles started becoming blurs to his vision as he came closer and closer to the destination. Will burst into the gym and took a quick sweep of the room with his eyes and noticed a difference. All of the muscle training equipment was missing, leaving only the skill equipment out.
Will swept over to the bows and started using every ranged weapon, making bull’s-eyes to every target that sat 100 yards away. He was surprised that he would be able to do this kind of work. Did the other Elites give him some adrenaline when he was about to wake up? No, he thought, my heart would be pounding faster, according to what drill sergeant said. This was his skill and agility.
Alex and Jack were close behind him on target shooting. Will swore they were shooting every class of weapons thought possible. After using about 20 weapons, he moved into the next hallway. This time, though, the obstacles popped out at some of the most random moments, forcing him to enable his reflexes. The first obstacle started as a slide below, in which he accomplished, but had to jump the moment he went past. He barely made the jump, just like the other obstacles ahead. Will heard a yelp and knew that these obstacles were not ones to touch, even though he couldn’t see anything weird about them. Will finally made it into a new room. It seemed almost familiar. There was a slight breeze coming from somewhere, but he couldn’t tell where. Another thing Will noticed was a door at the far end of the room. Something was fishy about this door. Will took this chance to catch his breath. His lungs were screaming with agony.
Alex and Jack came into the room a few seconds later, winded. Jack had a white cloth, already stained red, tied tight around his left thigh.
“Those obstacles have force fields powered by LASERS!” exclaimed Jack, “Of all the things, LASERS! I’m glad that I could still maneuver while putting this cloth on,” he was furious.
“Well congratulations, you have a cut.” All three spun around to see Bear standing in the middle of the room. He continued, “I won’t allow that to intervene with this test or any real life situation. Each of you three must go one at a time to your final task.”
“Ok,” replied Will, starting to walk forward. Each step he took was a thunderous awakening to his aching muscles. What could possibly come next, he wondered. Will could not have thought this sooner, because the moment he started taking a step past Bear, all he saw was a blur, he felt a blinding pain shoot into his stomach, and was sent flying backward.
Will clenched his stomach with his left arm and got up using the other, bewildered at the explosion of action. “What was that, Bear?!” he demanded.
“You really didn’t think the last test was through that door behind me, did you?” Bear asked, chuckling. “I AM the final test. I thought that would be obvious-”
“You? The last test?” asked Alex, laughing hysterically. “You’ve got to be joking, right?”
“Does my face look like I’m joking? If you really think that it will be easy, then come at me,” Bear stated in a mocking tone.
Alex was making the air heat up in his rage. He took a step forward, only to be stopped by a stretched arm. “What are you doing, Will? I can take -”
“No, don’t,” interrupted Will, “he’s only trying to fail us in this test. The door is real alright, but look at it again,” whispered Will. “It leads outside, the stairs if you remember. The door is also a crack open, when one of us charges the other Elites will surprise us by attacking.”
The door was a crack open. That’s what was making a slight breeze. This was another way out of the underground complex. Will was here before; he remembered walking into this room the other day in the alarm. Will took a closer look and saw that the concrete was spotless except for a few cracks that were formed in suspicious ways.
“How did you notice that?” asked a bewildered Jack.
“Just something that I grew up around,” replied Will. “I have a plan on -”
“I’m waiting,” called Bear rather boredly. He was leaning all of his weight on his right foot with his massive, rippling arms crossed.
“I’ll go first, dash to the door when I’m five yards away from,” whispered Will. He got up slowly and started walking towards Bear. “I have a particular query for you, Bear. Have you ever heard of the story about a wolf fighting a bear?”
“How is that possible? Lions are found in Africa and wolves in the woods,” Bear said with a puzzled tone, “I would’ve heard about that story. As far as I know, the feat is untold.”
“I’ll show you who would win then,” At this point he was 9 steps away…
Bear now has a look of confusion on his face. Alex and Jack are tensing, ready to spring. 8…
Bear is trying to piece the information together. The door behind him starts moving. 7…
Bear understands what Will meant by the story and is now realizing what the intent was. Will notices this and gets ready to break into a run. 6…
The door is moving a little more to reveal a pale dot, Ghost’s eye. Bear is tense and ready for what will happen. Jack and Alex brace themselves for what is going to occur. 5…
Will is in full sprint. Alex and Jack are now running after Will, closing the distance rapidly behind him. The door is wide open and two figures dash out. The people are Fox and Ghost, closely followed by Rat, who’s taking notes on the event.
Will is fully focused on Bear alone at this point. Time seems to slow down as Will reaches Bear, he grabs Bear’s shoulder with his left hand and somersaults over Bear. Before Will lands on the floor, he lunges a kick square into the back of Bear, who is thrown forward on the surprise flurry of movement. Bear is still tripping over when Will moves again towards him, but Bear is catching himself now. Bear is now spinning around to see a pouncing Will coming close. Bear grapples with Will and both struggle to gain the advantage. Will looks Bear in the face. They are now nose to nose; Will could see that Bear is beaded with sweat and seriously struggling to hold up against Will.

05-27-2013, 02:55 PM
He was surprised at how much stronger he had gotten. Will knew that Bear was extremely strong just by looking at him. “Are you holding back?” Will asked.
“Believe it or not, you have gotten far stronger than me. John sure must have visited while you were asleep, because nobody’s been able to match me,” Bear managed to say through gritted teeth.
“Actually, I was strong before, but that training has me besting you. I don’t understand this, but I’m a light sleeper. Nobody could’ve come into my room without my noticing,” Will said. At that point, Will made a move to flip Bear over him.
Will squatted quickly until he was able to lodge his feet into Bear’s body and launched Bear behind him. Will heard Bear land with a heavy thud. Will sprang back onto his feet and spun around. Bear was moving to get up. Will sprinted and realized Bear’s tactic. Bear was trying to use Will’s momentum to flip him on his back. Will in turn launched both feet forward, hitting the target, the head. Bear crumpled on the ground, unconscious. Will looked around and saw that Jack and Alex were in fierce battles with Ghost and Fox. Fox was moving with agility, unlike any other person Will had ever seen. She kept landing blows on Jacks wounded leg. Alex seemed to be interlocked in an even battle with Ghost, so Will decided to help Jack out first. Fox was facing the opposite direction of Will. Silently, Will broke into a sprint and tackled Fox onto the ground. She landed with a groan. She flipped under him to face him, but Will then sat on her body and arms. “Give in,” Will ordered.
“Not today,” Fox moved to quickly for Will to understand what she did, but she got out of underneath him. Will spun on time to block one of Fox’s blows and countered with a springing-from-crouch uppercut. She hit the floor cold, at least that’s what Will thought. Fox did a twist and was on her feet again. Will then took in a roundhouse kick to the stomach. Will wasn’t even fazed. Fox was surprised. She unleashed a fury of blows to Will, hitting him in the legs and arms, left and right, and the stomach. Will was aching at this point, but he didn’t let up. He absolutely had to get past the door to pass the test. Fox and Will moved with matched agility, which Will was surprised.
Then, the same thing happened to Will again. He focused fully on Fox and everything seemed to slow down, but the strange thing that was different from Bear, he seemed to moving regularly rather than slow. Will sprinted to Fox and unleashed a blow to the stomach, slipping under her flying right fist. He grabbed the other side of her arching back with his left hand and pulled his arm upwards until she was spinning in midair as if she were doing a body-spin-jump of some sort. Will then watched as she came slowly down and landed a roundhouse kick, sending her flying across the room. Will knew she was unconscious, but he didn’t want to hurt her.
Will decided to stop her fall, so he sprang into action. He sprinted and jumped in as far as he could. When Will got close, he wrapped both arms around her and twisted his body so to prevent her from being hurt.
Time seemed to speed back to its normal pace again. Something was different though, he didn’t hear any action going on. He pushed Fox off of him, groaning as he did so. He slowly got up and looked around. Rat was taking notes vigorously, constantly looking towards Will in between breaks. Will then turned and saw that Alex had finished with Ghost because Ghost was clutching his right side with his left hand. He also had a twisted ankle as if Alex had gotten a hold on it. Ghost was eyeing Will very closely as he limped to Rat. Alex was looking at Will in shock, as if he had just seen the paranormal.
Rat stopped taking notes and looked up as Jack, Will, and Alex moved to stand in line. They all stood at attention and waited until Bear and Fox were woken up by Rat and Ghost. Bear shook his head and stood, groaning as he did so, or was he actually chuckling. As he stood, he had a wide grin spread across his face. “You guys did well. By yourselves, I don’t think that Jack would’ve passed the test without the help of your bud, Will, there. You have passed the test and now you may move on to your designated position in this team.”
Rat moved forward and began, “After what I have just witnessed with my two eyes, I’ve noticed that Eagle wouldn’t need to worry about defending himself when in combat. His skills in a firearm are superb and I think that if we, the Elites, agreed, you should be given the position of Scout,” Rat finished, moving on to the next person in line, Jack. Alex took upon a wide grin on his face.
“Deuce, your skill will be well appreciated when the whole team needs to finish a mission using an escape. You’ll obtain the position of Pilot, Driver, and heavy arms. You, not only showed that your skills are tremendous in the heavy artillery, but you also showed that you can move without getting hurt or so much as touching the walls or obstacles with your hands. You’ll improve, Deuce,” Rat finished, moving on to Will finally. Jack was surprised at the position he was given.
Rat was about to start when Bear gripped his shoulder. Rat turned to see who it was and nodded. Rat stepped back and Bear took the position in front of Will. “Will, or should I say Wolf. Nobody has been able to keep up with Fox before. Nobody has been able to exceed my strength. You have shown your skill with all firearms, which is quite impressive. The Elites also received word from the drill sergeants back in basic that you have great leading skills. We have seen that this is true ourselves. The Elites have decided that we need a new pack leader, not me though. Will, you have been given the position Leader.”
“Whoa,” Fox started, “What?! Now wait. He’s very new to this team. How can he possibly assume that position?”
“HQ1 apparently likes him and they assigned him on a mission to take charge of. They also said that we need to be careful with the prototype. He’s already destroyed HQ8 and we think she’s hiding in this place. So, they’re sending us there.”
“Why don’t they send their army? It’s big enough now to take him out.”
“Their ‘army’ won’t survive an hour before he gets to them. That’s why we have to go.”
“What is the Knight Organization building an army for anyway?” asked Jack.
“Classified and only known to the main headquarters. Strange thing, is why hasn’t anybody been able to find this HQ if it’s holding an army of that multitude? They make it seem easy to hide something that large,” continued Bear.
What if the army is spread across the headquarters, Will wondered. He relayed the question to Fox, whose eyebrows lifted hearing this. “Yes, it could be possible that it’s spread. The units in the bases combined could easily outnumber the United States Marines, maybe the Navy too, but most likely not.”
“So then what’s the mission,” asked Alex.
“We have to go back to the main room to obtain that information,” replied Ghost, whose voice was raspy and still weak from the fight.
That’s when Will noticed that Rat was missing. “Guys, where’s Rat?”
“I thought he was right here,” Fox indicated with her left hand.
Then the alarms started wailing. The intercom turned on and all they heard was two people struggling. They heard the mike shake and hit the floor, if that’s what they were hearing. Will took off down the hallways. All of the obstacles were gone, making a clear passage to get to the main room. Will’s legs were sore, but he kept running to the room. As soon as he arrived at the place where the door was supposed to be, he saw a gaping hole of where the door had once been. Burn marks encircle the hole. Will charged in and saw Rat on the floor in the far corner of the room, seemingly untouched.
Will ran over to him and put two fingers to the side of his neck. He felt something pulsing. Will let out a sigh of relief, but then realized that Rat was unconscious. Will froze as he heard a slow and steady pace of footsteps approaching him from behind. The shoes sounded very similar to combat boots. “I don’t think I have told you my name yet…” came a familiar voice. Will knew who that it was the prototype.
“No, you cut the connection when that teacher came by,” responded Will, who got up slowly, spinning on his heels.
“Haven’t you already guessed who I am?” demanded the prototype. At this point, Will was looking at the prototype in the face. The prototype’s eyes had seen more than what most people have seen. Will knew tell because these eyes were familiar, but he couldn’t tell from where.
“No. I wasn’t told that I had to guess who my fan’s names were,” Will replied, making the prototype’s face grow stern.
“Well how about this, you know who your father was, right?” the prototype started. Tension was growing in the air. Will heard the faint sound of feet moving around somewhere in halls.
“What does he have to do with you? He died and that’s all I know. When Jack and Alex told me about another guy, but I knew it couldn’t possibly be my father,” Will said.
“I knew that the person that did this to me could never have been my father either, but you know what, it was my father. The boss of this organization is my father, meaning only one thing; my name is Bill, and…” he hesitated for a moment, “… I am glad I finally got a chance to introduce myself.”

05-27-2013, 02:55 PM
“Nice to meet you Bill, but I still don’t understand why you came after me,” Will continued.
“As I have said before, all in due time,” Bill said. Now the air around Bill started shimmering until it was blue. “Be seeing you,” he grinned and disappeared with a pop.
The rush of footsteps in the hall became reverberated in the room. Rat, who was lying there the whole time, started stirring. Will went ahead and crouched down to wait for him to wake.
The footsteps entered the room and Will stood. All of the Elites seemed winded. “What took you guys so long?” Will asked.
“What do you mean? You were for only separated from us for about two minutes,” responded Jack.
“Not what I last checked. I’ve been here for a good 10 minutes minimum, talking to Bill,” Will said, puzzled at the time they gave him.
“How do you know that name?” demanded Bear. His face became hard and the air grew became very tense.
“Bill told me who-” Will managed to say until he was interrupted.
“He was here?” Bear nearly shouted.
“He’s the one who knocked out Rat. He approached from behind and he said that his father was the boss of this organization. There’s one thing I know for sure, and it’s that my father is dead.”
“Is that all he said?”
Bear then whispered a few inaudible words to Fox, who nodded when Bear pulled away. Fox then took off running out of the door.
“Where did Bill go before we came into the room?”
“How am I supposed to know? He just vanished from thin air.”
“When he vanished, did he go with a pop?”
“Yes. How did you know that?”
“That is not your concern for the moment. Let’s get the mission and get out of here.”
Rat started was getting up at this point, rubbing his forehead like he a terrible headache. “What happened?” he managed to mutter.
“Well, one thing’s for certain,” Ghost chuckled, “you were knocked out by Bill.”
Rat started laughing with him and moved to the nearest computer and started logging in. Fox returned and handed Bear a bag. He looked in the bag and grinned. He closed the bag back up and handed it to Will. “These have been ordered to be handed to you and you alone. I can only say this; the white is Ivory, and the black is Ebony. I know you’ll like them.”
Will took the bag. The bag was single-strapped. He slung it over his shoulder and felt that it was light, even in his hands.
“You may want to take out the items when you get back to your room.”
Will simply nodded and thought for a moment what Bear and Fox were up to. He didn’t think they would do anything to him like putting a bomb in his bag. Will was the new leader of the team, why would they do that?
The Elites started heading back to the rooms where they were staying in to collect all of their belongings. When Will went into his room, he slipped on his combat jacket. After he had zipped it up, he picked up his letter and stuffed it into the inside of his jacket. Will wondered who the actual boss of the Organization was. He knew it wasn’t his father, because he was long deceased. Most importantly, he wondered who the person was who signed JK on his form.
Once Will had put the letter in his jacket, he lifted his bag until the zipper was facing him. The bag was a rounded square that fit seemed to be made of material that could stretch without busting unless it was burnt or cut. Will unzipped the bag and took a look inside to find the strangest of items. He dug his hands in and pulled out two leg strap-ons made to hold a pistol for each one.
Will was confused, so he went ahead and put them on. He had to do some adjustments to the straps, but eventually, they fit comfortably on his legs. Will zipped his bag up and went to lift it when he heard the clink of something metallic inside the bag. He put the bag down and opened it up. He slowly tilted the bag towards him until he saw something flash inside. The item the made the flash-like reflection was a white, semi-automatic pistol. The handle had a certain type of wood that Will couldn’t place his finger on and was shaped to form grooves for the fingers to fit comfortably. Will wrapped his fingers around the hilt and the weapon fit his hand perfectly. Will looked in the bag and found a similar weapon with only one difference, it was black.
So this is what Bear was talking about, thought Will. Ebony was the black pistol and Ivory was the white. It seemed quite obvious why they were named Ebony and Ivory. Will set the smooth custom pistols into their holsters and locked them in with the straps around the backside of the handles.
Once Will had them securely in place, he started heading out. Will came to find the Elites were still not out of their rooms yet. All Will could do now was wait on them. He waited for five minutes when Jack and Fox stepped out of their rooms. They simply glanced at Will and leaned against the wall next to their doors. Ghost, Alex, and Rat came out next. So far, every single one of the Elites was fully equipped. Rat had a body vest with all sorts of devices strapped on. He had an earpiece for communication with the others. He handed the others, including Will, a communication device. “Turn to channel 998,” he explained. The earpiece had the area that went into his ear. Will hated the feeling something was in his ear vibrating. The earpiece also had an extended mike to actually talk to the others.
Fox had her dual pistols strapped on. She had a leather, forest green jacket on that seemed slightly bulkier than most jackets. Will made an assumption that it was her body vest. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail as usual and she wore sunglasses designed for field operations. Alex had only a field knife strapped to his belt. He even had an M16 strapped over his shoulder with a ranged scope, designed for spotting and picking off enemies. Jack had only a pistol and a pump-action shotgun strapped on his shoulder and a single pistol on his belt. Alex and Jack both had body vests on, which Will found strange. Alex and Jack though were putting on their combat jackets over the vests.
Ghost had the heaviest equipment. He not only wore a vest, but wore a gloves, long-sleeve shirt, and pants that were made to change for camouflage purposes. He had a watch on backwards. The watch was probably designed to change the camouflage types. He had a sniper on his back that had a large, long-ranged scope. The bullets were probably designed to penetrate or bounce of any type of structure.
Will went back into his room to check for his own vest and discovered one in his wardrobe. He went ahead and put it under his jacket and headed back outside of his room to find that Bear had come out. He wore only his vest over his tank top for a torso shirt, showing off his massive arms. He had a single strap on with an empty open-ended pack designed to hold a box of some sort.
“Everyone ready?” he asked simply.
Everybody nodded and, without a word, walked down the passageways to the exit. Will was about to reenter the world as a new person, but Will never forgot about his family, his friends, his school, and Arielle.

06-17-2013, 10:37 PM
Sorry if the next chapter doesn't come out any time soon. There's friends visiting and moving about to occur. I have a lot on my plate.

09-19-2013, 06:10 PM
This is amazing amazing amazing amazing. I really love the pace of the story, and how by reading this I can know more about Will's background. May I ask if you're planning on incorporating characters from the roleplay into this as well?

Can't wait to

09-19-2013, 08:18 PM
One point is, it'd be much easier to read if the paragraphs were separated by a blank line :D