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View Full Version : A new YouTube Vlog channel! (Please Read)

The Kiwi Dragon
06-02-2013, 11:15 PM
Hi there everyone, TRLR here and I'm going to talk about a new YouTube project I'm doing with my girlfriend Georgia who many of you will already know on here as GeorgiaLovesYou. Now, what Georgia and I intend on doing is running this YouTube channel is turning it into a Vlog of sorts. On this Vlog we're wanting to give you an insight into our lives. So like today we're going to go to the Cinema and then go for lunch with about 11 of our other friends. But we want also to show you guys the randomness and fun involved in our lives. So really we're going to be playing tons of video games against each other, I'll try to teach Georgia as much as I can about Pokémon and we're going to have Versus episodes against one another or special guests. Which is where we need you guys! We'd like to you like/comment/share/subscribe but on our YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/NZBfGfVlog/feed?filter=2 we want you to post your suggestions for any Versus videos or random stuff you want us to do. At the moment our channel is dead quiet so we're gonna start working on some stuff. Namely our trip to the cinema and lunch but going shopping in our first Versus to find the 10 most craziest/funny/weird/disturbing/stupid items around. But yeah keep an eye out and we'll see you guys soon! My YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheRealLoneRenegade

Arrogant Watermelon
06-02-2013, 11:29 PM

The Kiwi Dragon
06-02-2013, 11:43 PM

OK? :p

06-03-2013, 10:16 AM
Yes we have just made a youtube channel together and we would like any ideas you have...Funny, Crazy, Creative, Daring, Cute...what ever you can think of and just comment your ideas below or even message us on our youtube channel. :)