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View Full Version : Bad Online Gaming Experinces

Rancid Sunset
07-17-2013, 02:07 AM
Ever played Online like an MMORPG or online Multiplayer games and it just didn't go as you thought it would or just some person is rude? Id like to share one of my stories when i was Playing WoW

I was in a dungeon group with my guild whom I was just invited to Join in with the group for a Black Temple Raid Run I decided To go with them and perhaps make my bond stronger with my Guildies (Ive been playing WoW since 08 and never joined a single guild this was actually my first time ever joining one and i was a bit nervous of making a first impression)
I was playing on my lvl 85 Female Undead rogue at the time(This was during the cataclysm expansion was still out) during this alot of neat leather items that would look good on my rogue (Fashion Wise) Dropped and i asked if i can roll for them for Transmorgification (A process where you use an item to make it look like another item simply for looks) They kept giving all the stuff to the raid leader so he can sell it all and put the money in the guild bank I thought id let this slide because i can always come back here with some friends.
After awhile everyone started picking on me because i had PVP gear on (Player vs Player) and i didnt have dungeon gear to help with my dps Since it was a lvl 70 raid i thought my dps wouldn't matter but yet i'm being Mocked because of it...I forgot to mentioned i Joined their voice chat and they were not aware of my pressence in the voice chat and they were saying all kind of Mean things about me..I wanted to say something as i had my mic on but i thought id just ignore it..
At the end of the raid we killed Illidan and one of daggers called Shard of Azzinoth dropped I rolled for it and won it as it was my very first roll to be won through out the raid and i didnt even want to think about asking permisson to roll for it..Everyone gets mad and tells me to give it to the raid leader so he cant vendor it and put the money in the bank and they were calling me Noob and escalted into racial slurs Ive had enough of it. I screamed into my mic and told them to shut up and started Telling them off about how rude they've been to me this whole time and that they shouldn't hate me with no good reason.
Everyone went silent and one person speaks up saying "Y..you're a girl?" I told them yes and after that everyone Started treating me like im some kind of queen or goddess I was somewhat okay with this but i just wished that they would treat as an equal before they found out i was a girl..

Anyone have anything similar happen to them and would like to share?

07-17-2013, 04:27 AM
Thats kind of a strange experince. Im not sure if i have had any(im sure i have just can't remember at the moment)

07-18-2013, 10:15 AM
I was trying to play an online game...I think it was dragons of atlantis or something and I went into the chatroom and asked for help cause I had no idea what to do and everyone called me weak and stupid and after that I cancrelled my accoumt right after I made it. Im sad now. It happened last week

Rancid Sunset
07-18-2013, 10:26 PM
I was trying to play an online game...I think it was dragons of atlantis or something and I went into the chatroom and asked for help cause I had no idea what to do and everyone called me weak and stupid and after that I cancrelled my accoumt right after I made it. Im sad now. It happened last week

That's terrible how a lot of people treat the new comers to some games everyone should help each other out Like everyone was a person who didn't know what to do at one point right?

Also i have another WoW story if anyone is intrested ill post it in a few hours

Rancid Sunset
07-19-2013, 12:40 AM
That's terrible how a lot of people treat the new comers to some games everyone should help each other out Like everyone was a person who didn't know what to do at one point right?

Also i have another WoW story if anyone is intrested ill post it in a few hours

This is my other story it was on WoW

It was a few weeks after the incident in the last story I was still in the guild because they at least gave me free stuff..(Yay?)
Anyways I was In a battle ground when this happen the Isle of Conquest (For those of you who havent played WoW and is not familar with this its a pvp battle ground where one team try to gather resources and vehicles to break down the door to the opposing teams fortress and kill their leader) I was playing on my rogue at the time and our team leader happen to be a really nice guy and stuff He's always say try your best and what ever before the battle began.

The gates are open and everyone went to do their own thing for the battle ground I for example would go around the field and kill off the healers they have on the battle ground so lets just skip when the bad thing happens I'm guarding one of the flags since the whole enemy team is defending their fortress from our assault I decided to to stand near the flag since it wont be taken until the end of the destruction of the gates.
Next thing happens a bunch of Alliance cowards come out of Nowhere and were trying to capture the flag so they can get the vehicles for their needs since no one is really guarding our fortress I was overwhelmed but i kept spamming Fan of knives to keep them from capturing our flag but i was defeated after everyone stunned and dps'd me down. I get yelled at for not guarding the flag properly by one of our team members and everyone is blaming everyone for what has happened that made us lose this area because apparently all our vehicles are destroyed while i was guarding the flag...Anyways team leader got into a fit and began blaming me for our soon to be Loss because i was the only one guarding the flag and he claimed I didn't do anything to stop it from happening I argued with him that I did try to stop them but their numbers were to great Then he starts calling me a noob and tells me to Uninstall the game..While we were arguing our team got a hold of the flag and went back to destroying their fortress and killed their leader..after the whole battle ground was over He was congratulating everyone who helped and pretty much says "Oh and Libertina (My rogues name on WoW) Learn to defend a flag properly you noob"

Ive been really angry about that the whole day after that...

The Kiwi Dragon
07-19-2013, 11:46 AM
I used to be a big Runescape addict and back in my days (it may have changed or not, I haven't played Runescape since 2007) there was an area called 'The Wilderness' which was an area which allowed live person to person combat. And what happened was me and a guy who I'd made friends with and had hung around online with him for a few weeks. So he says if I'm to go into The Wilderness that he should come to back me up so I could gain more XP and get to a better level and get better upgrades etc. So we kill a few guys and then he leads me to this area without anyone around and then he kills me! I was only Level 35 while he was Level 80 so I stood no chance and died losing my armour and weapons as a result even though he promised to protect me. So I de-friended him and stopped playing Runescape because I couldn't be bothered anymore.
I may have got some details wrong somewhere along the lines because I was 9 when this happened and I'm almost 16 so my memory's a little foggy about some details but that's what I remember.

Rancid Sunset
07-20-2013, 06:59 AM
I used to be a big Runescape addict and back in my days (it may have changed or not, I haven't played Runescape since 2007) there was an area called 'The Wilderness' which was an area which allowed live person to person combat. And what happened was me and a guy who I'd made friends with and had hung around online with him for a few weeks. So he says if I'm to go into The Wilderness that he should come to back me up so I could gain more XP and get to a better level and get better upgrades etc. So we kill a few guys and then he leads me to this area without anyone around and then he kills me! I was only Level 35 while he was Level 80 so I stood no chance and died losing my armour and weapons as a result even though he promised to protect me. So I de-friended him and stopped playing Runescape because I couldn't be bothered anymore.
I may have got some details wrong somewhere along the lines because I was 9 when this happened and I'm almost 16 so my memory's a little foggy about some details but that's what I remember.

I used to play runescape too It was actually my first online game to be honest it was a quite fun for awhile but it gets kind of boring once awhile without membership..I was tricked on there when i was playing on it thinking these guys i met would help me fight the King black dragon in that place so i brang my full torag and stuff along witha dragon fire shield..needless to say i was ganked by them and lost all my stuff..oh well still played it up until 2009 then i sold my account..but yeah I know how that feels to have that happen to you :|

Rancid Sunset
07-23-2013, 11:50 PM
I do have another story If anyone would be interested it involves Xbox live Ill post it in a few hours