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View Full Version : Pokemon Stories

07-22-2013, 08:38 PM
Hey everyone! I'm starting this thread because it's a type of thread that I've been hoping to come across on this website, but haven't quite yet. This thread is for sharing stories about your experiences with Pokemon; you can share about something that happened to you in a game, any stories involving the anime or the manga, trading card games, whatever you want! You can post about something awesome that happened, something embarrassing, weird, etc.

And of course, since I'm starting this thread, I'll go first. About five years ago, I recently got back into Pokemon. I was really into it when I was three to six years old, but then I just kinda forgot about it. But when I was nine, I found our copy of Fire Red again and decided that I might as well try to play it again. I (of course) got pretty sucked in to the game, but since I was only nine years old and had forgotten almost everything about Pokemon, I wasn't really very smart about my in-game decisions. The main example of this is the embarrassing part of the story, but we'll get to that in a bit. I would just kind of be care free with my Pokemon, not really caring if they fainted, and many times throughout my playthrough, my entire party fainted and I lost most of my money. Somehow though, I managed to make it through most of the game without making any huge mistakes. I had just beaten the 6th gym and I decided that I'd go grind up my party a bit. Of course though, since I wasn't all that smart about the game, I was grinding my level 35's to 40's in an area with level 15's to 25's. Eventually, I came across a Pidgey. I was trying to fill out more of my Pokedex, and I thought that I didn't have a Pidgey in it yet, when I in fact already had 2. And since I'm a pretty persistent guy sometimes, I was going to stop at nothing to catch this level 22 Pidgey, and for some reason, I wanted it at full health. Another thing you should know, I wasn't aware that there were legendary Pokemon in the game...so yeah, you might see where this is going. Without hesitating, I went into my Pokeball section of my bag and threw...a master ball. At a level 22 Pidgey. Which I already had two of. I was all proud of myself until I realized that I already two in my PC. After that, I immediately started a new game out of shame.

So yeah, there's my embarrassing Pokemon story! Feel free to share any story of yours you'd like!

07-27-2013, 01:10 PM
i have a friend whos brother threw a master ball on a golduck he reaally wanted one so he threw it but then there was the arceus event and he ran out of pokemon balls to catch so he lost it.(azure flute event,you have to battle and catch it)