View Full Version : New Pokemon Accidentally Leaked!

The Kiwi Dragon
09-12-2013, 09:36 AM
Hey guys! A new Pokémon's been accidentally leaked by IGN just after the October CoroCoro Leaks!
It's name is Pyroar, and it is what appears to be the evolution or final form of Litleo. You can check him out here:
http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/a4/Pyroar.png. No other details have been released yet.
So what do you guys think? Tell us in the comments below!
And for PokeBay News, I'm Prof. Nick, always hunting new Pokémon and I'll see you guys next time!

09-12-2013, 10:07 AM
This and Chespins 1 stage are the only gen 6 pokemon i actually really hate.