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View Full Version : [Gen 5] zoroarks

12-29-2011, 09:26 AM
you fight as a zoroark and you fight lucarios.now decide what you want to happen.you make up a battle in the war between both of them it does not matter how long it is.do not put like that you destroyed all of them.all you do is you destroy a bunch but they never run out.NOW i will start this out.

the start of the war happened when the lucarios became evil and destroyed every zorua.the zoroarks were furious and now they fought every lucario.every zoroark used night daze and blew them to asia.they made a cloning machine and made thousands of lucarios.the zoroarks trained as hard as they could.i was the only surviving zorua named shadow.i trained i became a zoroark and i destroyed hundreds of lucarios.then the giant battle happened........to be continued.........

12-29-2011, 09:56 AM
Looks around for the leader. At least to learn the name. Starts fightin off Lucarios left and right just to survive. Dives between two, KOing them in the process. Lands on feet. Where is there leader.......he should be fighting in the front lines.... an ambush comes from the left..........

12-29-2011, 10:06 AM
i finally found the leader and he tells me everything that happened.i asked what his name but he said you will learn later on.he then sent me on a mission to defeat the lucarios at the docks.i got in the grass and spied on them and then i saw the leader on a boat.he was a shiny lucario.i waited till he left the fought every lucario.i used night daze on all of them they were all destoyed but then.......to be continued........

12-29-2011, 10:13 AM
........then I heard a cry.....a Zoroark cry. I went to go check it out, I saw 15-20 Lucarios about to attack a female Lucario and the egg she was holding. Someone had to step in, but I was out numbered and couldnt risk hitting the woman. I noticed something...the Mightyenas we trained were in the building next to the Lucarios....they were trained for this....now it was time to put them to the test.....I released them and heard another cry. Then another. Then another. They were all from Lucarios being attacked with bite/crunch....the woman was saved..........

12-29-2011, 10:23 AM
i went to the woman she was grateful i gave the mightyenas a bunch of steak and brought the girl zoroark back to camp.i was now ordered to go to the mountains and get the light crystal.as i went up the mountain hundreds of lucarios attacked.but then..............

12-29-2011, 10:37 AM
I got some back-up....I saw 14 other Zoroarks.....we were out numbered but it was a fair game......I used a Night Slash and hit the mountain.....the others caught on quickly.... The lucarios eased up, they were getting cocky and thought we couldnt aim.....there was a slight tremble in the mountain, we backed off. We attacked the laughing Lucarios...all of us used Night Daze at once to push them into the mountain....they hit..hard.......causing boulders to come rolling down trapping the Lucarios.....then there was a sound..........

12-29-2011, 10:46 AM
their was a door that opened on the mountain that showed a cave.we could see the light crystal but their were traps all around.i swiftly dodge them all and got to the crystal only to find it was a fake.i look to my right and their was another tunnel filled with more traps.i got through them and got to the real crystal.but suddently........

12-29-2011, 10:54 AM
the leader came.....He laughed saying You really thought it would be that easy??? Ha. Then out came an army of Lucarios.....all from the tunnels......no way out. I call out a cry, it was the signal. Zoroarks were coming out of nowhere... Hehe Lucario....isnt Illusion a great ability to have? Thought so too. The armies battled, I separated the leader and took him outside for a one-to-one battle to the finish. Finally we would settle this, but first I remembered something.......The name...I must know the name

12-29-2011, 11:03 AM
i asked for his name but he said i will not tell.i then flamethrower but he used protect.then i used dig he stood in one spot and then he used protect again right when i came out of the ground.he was then laughing.i the used night daze and he used protect but it failed and did a KO.i then asked for his name.

12-29-2011, 07:09 PM
He whispered something.........Ahiga.......my name is Ahiga......suddenly the 15 best fighters came forward. I summoned our 4 best and then myself...we were standing off....waiting...watching........someone had to make the first move......it would either be a move for peace......or one last showdown.......then they.....

12-29-2011, 07:37 PM
used bone rush out of nowhere and got hurt really bad.then we used flamethrower and made a huge flame and did huge damage and gave them burns.they used aura sphere and i used shadow ball to counter it.then we all used night daze and they all were destroyed.but then the leader.......

12-29-2011, 07:52 PM
got back up and called them to his side, then they all used protect. We used the last PP of flamethrower then. Ahiga gave a cold stare...but ordered no attacks. He knew no side would win......he was ready for a peace.....but were the Zoroarks? Were the other Lucarios? He walked to the front line..lowering his protect.....then......

12-29-2011, 08:00 PM
he said:lets stop fighting lets have peace.we looked at eachother and then a zoroark said yes.he went to shake but then right when they were about to he used,FOCUS BLAST.he was hit right on the head.then i used......

12-29-2011, 08:09 PM
night slash to finish him. He fave a look of sorrow...but I knew it was a trick.......I got a critical hit on him.......he was out for the count and all the other Lucarios became frightened.........many ran........few got away....

12-29-2011, 08:16 PM
we ran after them night slashing every one of them we pass.they ran to the mountain but we did the same that we did before to make an avalanche it knocked them down the mountain and they were squished.i was still by the leader asking him questions.the first i did to him was........

12-29-2011, 08:28 PM
take him to the top of the mountain......I was ready to drop him if he didnt answer.....I started asking why they turned.........he whispered something......I demanded him to repeat it.....his eyes closed..........

12-29-2011, 08:32 PM
he would not answer he only whispered something.i demanded him to speak louder this time he talked louder.he said.......................................

12-29-2011, 08:40 PM
you............you stole.........you stole our place...........for that the war continues.........

12-29-2011, 08:44 PM
?????i loooked at him hard.what do you mean by that.he said.....

12-29-2011, 08:53 PM
why do you think we are rivals.....Lucario was the first here...........then Zoroark stole our place......... his voice trails off from exhaustion

12-29-2011, 08:57 PM
ok then.since wee rivals take this!i droped him and he fell all the way down.but he was still alive....

12-29-2011, 09:06 PM
He moaned from the foot of the mountain..........another Lucario swiftly grabbed him and took him to shelter.....I followed.....

12-29-2011, 09:11 PM
i followed them and they did not notice me.they got to a cave and layed him down they felt on him and he had a broken leg and arm.then they......

12-29-2011, 09:37 PM
started to heal him with their Auras.......he became stronger than before.........i started to back away when i stepped on a fallen leaf.....I knew he heard it........so I hid.........I knew I couldnt take them all at once......I was stuck.....if I called for help I may be found before then..........if I stayed......they might find me...........I decided to........

12-29-2011, 09:43 PM
to make an illusion.i made a zoroark and he ordered them to catch me.they chased after the illusion.now i will fight lucario.

12-29-2011, 09:52 PM
I came from the hiding spot and tackled the Ahiga......I did it without sound and cornered him into a small cave......behind me I ordered other Zoroarks to block the entrance with a stone...making it sound proof......this would be one on one battle.........I was not going to let both of us escape.........I was well rested, which was good...he was still strong from his recent healing.......this battle would settle it.........

12-29-2011, 10:02 PM
i used shadow claw but he dodged it then he used focus blast and i dug under ground he used protect right when i hit him.i then used flamethrower and his protect failed.i then used night daze and blasted him against the wall.he then used bone rush i took alot of damage.i had half health left and so did he i then used shadow claw and hit him he now had 25 health left.i had 98.then he used close combat i then learne a new move,focus blast.right when he was about to hit me i used it.i used focus blast on him and he went so fast he busted through the boulder and did not get up.

12-29-2011, 10:09 PM
I was about to use flamethrower one last time when I realized he was finished. He was still breathing.......barely. I decided to take him as a hostage. The Lucarios saw their leader was beaten. They all scattered.....no one was brave enough to fight.....I took Ahiga to the Z-Base. There he was jailed....he never recovered fully.....with his bady bruised and his spirit broken.......he finally resigned the battle.......

I, Shadow, had won the battle

12-29-2011, 10:12 PM
all the other lucarios gave up and had peace.we never fought again until the next leader....to be continued....

12-30-2011, 06:56 AM
I woke up one night..........there was a howl......a battle cry. The Lucario's had a new leader.......but who could it be?? We still had Ahig in prison......I went out to the night. This was my element.......the darkness......I was going to learn........I started following the cries......

12-30-2011, 07:00 AM
i followed them to a lucario he was all red all over.he had lucarios next to him.one said his name it was occuro.then they......

01-02-2012, 04:24 AM
All froze because they could sense I was there. I heard Occuro laugh and he called me out of my hiding place so I........

01-02-2012, 04:36 AM
came out of hiding and stood.then they asked me too....................

01-02-2012, 04:48 AM
bow down before their leader and become second in command I responded by......

01-02-2012, 04:55 AM
i then said:i,m the one who beat the last leader and if you don,t surrender the same will happen to you.

01-02-2012, 05:53 AM
I dont know why you hate lucario so much. In general Lucario can beat Zoroark. Dark types are weak to fighting types. If you dont believe me Ill get a lucario and take your Zoroark on. Give me a while to get the egg and hatch it.

01-02-2012, 06:38 PM
He laughed and said he would like to see me try. All the sudden a group of Lucario came from all sides and stood ready for action. The threw chains on me and..............

01-02-2012, 06:43 PM
i couldn,t move.i thought of night daze but couldn,t use that.so i thought flamethrower!!!!!!!i used it so hard they blew into a very big tree.then the leader.........