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View Full Version : Does anyone have ditto in their friend safari ?

11-02-2013, 08:58 AM
I'm trying to make "perfect pokemon"
Share friend codes?

11-06-2013, 11:38 PM
I don't have ditto in my FS, but I can tell you how to make a perfect pokemon using about the same number of steps that ditto breeding would take you.

All you need is a destiny knot and an everstone.

The destiny knot takes 4 random stats from both parents and gives it to the offspring. So, if you got a female of your target pokemon, a compatible male, and they both have a few perfect IVs between them, chances are you're going to get an egg that will end up having those IVs. Then you just rinse and repeat, using the offspring instead, and just hope you get the final two perfect IVs.

With a Ditto, you wouldn't need to find a female or compatible male, but you would still go through the same breeding process....more or less.

I used this method and made a perfect Dratini within a few hours, so it's not hard to do. You just need to have compatible pokemon available to you in your FS. I've found that most of them have 2-3 perfect IVs already.

11-07-2013, 06:18 PM
does perfect breeding increase the chances of having the best pokemon with higher stats than normal and be able to be more powerful in wifi than the same pokemon with the same nature and move set?

11-07-2013, 07:49 PM
Yes. To get the max possibly value in any stat, the pokemon must have a perfect IV in that stat. All else being equal, an Absol with 31 IV in speed will have a higher speed stat than an Absol with 0 IV speed stat.

11-12-2013, 03:37 PM
Without the dittos from friend safari it's much harder speaking out if experience. So I bred a perfect froakie the other day and now I'm taking almost a week for an Aron. Next on my list is two eevees then a charmander then probably a Syther or gastly then after that whenever I can get my hands on mudkip and beldum. Point is its taking me awhile so by the time I got a team to test run everyone will be in gen 7 sort of speak like xy died out after being out for awhile