View Full Version : Battle or trade anyone?

12-12-2013, 01:30 PM
Like the title says, anyone up for battling? I've been breeding and building some pokemon, but I actually never fight with them :s. My first fight was with another member from pokebay and I tried today the wifi battles but out of 5 fights I had 2 people disconnected from them.

Also, I breed a lot of pokes from time to time so if someone is up for trading let me know. I've got some DW ability pokes and have tons of gligars with Immunity (since I'm trying to breed a shiny) if anyone wants one. Well that's about it,


12-15-2013, 05:46 AM
Omg yes I would love to trade for an immunity gligar what would you like? I can also battle you; I never fought online a lot either.

12-15-2013, 10:39 PM
Well I still have a gazillion just wasting space in my boxes (got bored trying to get that shiny :S) so I can give you one for free. Lemme know whenever you have time and we can battle :). I'm filling up the National pokedex so I can breed you some pokes if you want to and have quite a few other cool DW pokes if you want some as well, just send a PM and let me know if you are looking for something in particular.

12-17-2013, 05:14 AM
I can be up for a battle also any shinies for trade

12-17-2013, 06:32 PM
Hey! That would be awesome, the only problem is the time zone. I'm at UTC+1 so unless it is not too late, it love to battle some time. Lemme know at what times do you usually connect so that we can maybe agree at one time. I've got 5 shinnies at the moment, 4 I got from trades (lvl1 bulbasaur, lvl30 Mr. Mime, a lvl60 bagon and a lvl 12 litwick) and a poliwag (with its DW ability) that I bred by accident (and unfortunately with bad stats) so if you have some offers or are interested let me know as well.

My friend code is 4471-2730-9572

12-17-2013, 10:57 PM
are all of your shinies not hack as I see the poliwag im interested in also I get home about this time

Griffin Hopkins
01-21-2014, 01:36 AM
I'd love to battle if you have time my friend code is 1765 4790 5962 for pokemon black 2

01-21-2014, 01:48 AM
Me both

01-21-2014, 07:07 PM
Hey guys! I posted this a looong while ago, and never got a fight out of this haha. Well if you are up for a battle I am usually connected after 2pm (UTC+1) so just send me a PM with your FCs and the time in which you will connect.