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12-26-2013, 08:20 PM
So, I have a quick question. It's aaout breeding and Hidden Ability.

I have a male Venasaur with HA. And my female, for example Treecko is my female, doesn't have HA. The egg, will be of course, Treecko. But it's there any chance of it having HA?

12-26-2013, 10:04 PM
Nope. The Male HA Venusaur bred with a Ditto would Produce a HA, but with females. They must have the HA to be able to pass it down. & Females don't pass down HA if bred with ditto.

hope this makes some sense! :)

12-26-2013, 10:22 PM
Nope. The Male HA Venusaur bred with a Ditto would Produce a HA, but with females. They must have the HA to be able to pass it down. & Females don't pass down HA if bred with ditto.

hope this makes some sense! :)

Thanks so much for the help. :D

12-26-2013, 11:31 PM
In my experience females pass down Abilities more often, and that is boosted even more when using an everstone. On the other hand though, males do not pass down abilities, even while holding an everstone. I'm pretty sure how it works is that if the female isn't carrying the HA then the bred poke will have a high chance of getting the female's ability, and a lower chance of getting whatever the alternate ability is that isn't a hidden one.

So basically what SHOULD happen in your case is you'll just get a Treecko with Overgrow or something, since you can't exactly pass hidden abilities to a species of pokemon that isn't part of the same evolutionary chain.

I hope everything that I said was correct and that I helped you.

12-27-2013, 12:16 AM
From what I understand, this is how passing down abilities works. If the male or the female has a hidden ability, and the egg is the same species as the parent with the hidden ability, it is a 60% chance to pass it down the hidden ability. Which parent has the hidden ability, whether one of the parents is a ditto, and everstones do NOT affect how the hidden ability is passed down.

Keep in mind, males passing down HAs is new to this generation as well as dittos allowing passing down HAs, and is the cause for a lot of the confusion.
This means:

a female OR male with a hidden ability and a ditto WILL pass down HAs
a female pokemon with an HA (ie: bulbasaur with chlorophyll) and a male outside on the female's species (ie: charmander with blaze or solar power) WILL pass down HAs
a female pokemon without an HA (ie: bulbasaur with overgrow) and a male within the female's species (ie: ivysaur with chlorophyll) WILL pass down HAs
a female without an HA (ie: bulbasaur with overgrow) and a male with an HA (ie: charmander with solar power) that is outside of the female's species will NOT pass down HAs

From what I understand, (and this is the part that I'm not 100% on) is that it is a dead 60% chance of passing down hidden abilities, if they can pass down hidden abilities. Whether either one of the parents have an HA or both have an HA doesn't affect that chance. Everstones ensure that the nature is passed down - it has no effect on abilities.