View Full Version : whats goin on with me

05-01-2014, 07:19 PM
hey guys, its me...im kinda going through a lot of things these days. Some good, but most of it is bad. im a little depressed again. but its because of this medicine I have to take. its called Focalin, and its supposed to make you focused on things like school and tests and things like that. but its literally replacing me. every time I take it, my mind goes into a cold, unfeeling state. its hard to explain. but it makes me angry especially when my parents don't do anything about it. they just carry on with their own life, while I sit up in my room alone thinking on how things are going to get better. I was wrong.... that's why I don't really go on here anymore. I don't really know what to do to fight it. and its killing me that I don't know......hope ya guys can help me, cause if ya cant, I don't know what else to do.

Rico the Lucario
05-02-2014, 11:11 AM
Bro, hang in there. You know I've been there, just no medicine or anything like that. I've been depressed MULTIPLE times. Talk to someone. Me, I talked to my friend all the time, and she was helping me become a happier person. She understood me, any my problem, and always went out of the way to see how I was. Find who that person is for you and go talk to them. Everything will get better, trust me.

05-04-2014, 12:32 AM
Thanks bro.

05-04-2014, 11:02 AM
I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to. The medicine is obviously making things worse and that's really not good or fair on you...what would happen if you didn't take it?

05-04-2014, 05:58 PM
well. id be myself really. my hyperactive, happy self. on the meds im cold,emotionless and sometimes sad.people ignore me as if im a shadow,and those who dont(besides freinds) just get downright annoyed at my level of intelligence or something else.its weird .

Blue Mochi
05-05-2014, 02:09 AM
I'm really sorry to hear that...Have you maybe talked to your parents about that? Sometimes adults (no offence or anything!) have the tendency that they always know what's best for their children and overlook the fact that their actions are directly impacting YOU, not them. So you gotta speak out when a certain action harms you while they get the misconception that it's helping you. To be honest, I think losing oneself in the midst of obtaining a higher level of concentration seems like a shame. Certainly there are other ways to achieve the same results! Perhaps if you show your parents that you can act the same way you did with medicine (the brains and all) while being OFF medication through willpower, you've achieved something! I should cease my rambling now, but if you need help, feel free to talk to me k?

05-05-2014, 05:22 AM
If that is the results of how meds effect you then I honestly think you should stop taking meds, do it for yourself and not for anyone else's sake for if you're getting told you have to take them, you would rather be happy than cold and emotionless and any other effect it has on you, right? I have a friend taking depression pills and I told her to stop using them because all they are doing is making her worse just like the meds you are taking and I it hurts seeing her like that. Other than that I think you should at least talk about this to someone about how you feel, talk to someone who understands you like Blastex said. Also I agree with what Blue-Vier has said above. Things will get better! *hug*

05-05-2014, 02:20 PM
as a person with add all my life ive been on almost every med currently on adderall but if its impacting you negatively then you shouldnt take it. aslong as you can focus without it then theres no need i need my stimulants otherwise i would be in a narcleptic state all the time but yea if you cant focus and need medicine you can always try something else try caffiene coffee

05-05-2014, 07:20 PM
to blue vier: ive tied talking to thwm.even they honestly dont know what going on.i keep telling them what they do to me but they say that its makeing me more focused.but all the while,makeing me depressed.
to georgia:thanks.i really want to not take it, like you said, but my parents force me too.(im also sort of obidient) and all for what? school. thats about it. they force me to take it just for friggin school.its so ridiculous!!! i hate it compleatly,and the next thing you know, im shoving it down my throat,and everything shifts.....

05-05-2014, 07:22 PM
but thankfully im allowed to not take it on th weekends

Blue Mochi
05-06-2014, 01:23 AM
Aw man...That really is a shame...I wouldn't continue encouraging you to talk to your parents about it, seeing that it was futile...But seeing that you're allowed not to take it on the weekends, maybe you can prove to them that you don't need the meds in the first place? I can't exactly advice you upon what to do after taking the meds since I've never taken any sort like that...but do remember that you're not alone! And ultimately, your parents do mean well...Perhaps they see you as immature now and doesn't know what's good for you, and thus didn't listen to you, but they're telling you to take the meds because they love you. Maybe letters written in sincerity will sway them and see how serious the situation really is [it works sometimes for me anyway] I hope you get better soon!!!

05-06-2014, 11:21 AM
Thanks guys. I think i know what tah do.

05-06-2014, 11:28 AM
Err,how do i delete a thread??