View Full Version : JUST a shiny Litleo

06-14-2014, 04:47 PM
I really need one, it doesn't have to be 6iv or a specific level 100 and docile nature or anything.

The only ones on the GTS are for Darkrai and other event legends.

Moist Mewtwo
06-14-2014, 05:30 PM
What do you have?

06-14-2014, 06:15 PM
For shinies? Scizor, Electabuzz, and Wigglytuff. Level 45, 50, and 100.

Moist Mewtwo
06-14-2014, 07:59 PM
Any 5 or 6iv pokemon?

06-14-2014, 08:27 PM
I have no idea how to tell what is. One pokemon had 6 on all stats, but it changed while leveling.

Lord Of Storms
06-14-2014, 11:01 PM
deadlyfox, what I believe you have mentioned are not ivs, but stats. They are two entirely different subjects however relate in some ways. The higher a pokemons ivs are, the more likely that it will be "raised better" or become stronger in the future. The ivs affect the stat total for example in x and y, we have super training which raises a pokemons evs or stats that can be altered to help out a pokemons performance but an iv cannot be changed they are kind of a dna to pokemon which makes each and everyone unique, either way before I go into too much detail the subject is really quite complicated. In short there is a man located inside the pokemon center in Kiloude City. Just talk to him and he will tell you how your pokemon is. I would recommend looking up a guide on the internet to help you figure out what ivs a pokemon has. Sorry I do no thave much time to go into great detail but that really is an extremely shortened version of it :P

06-15-2014, 01:31 AM
No 6ivs MAYBE, I don't want to look through my whole PC. Most of it is what I caught or got on Wonder Trade, so probably not.