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View Full Version : A great theft and a call for aid

09-17-2014, 09:48 AM
So my story begins from march earlier this year I owned Pokemon platinum, soul silver, heartgold, white, black, black 2, white 2, x and y version as well as emerald my collection was amazing and was between them over 600+ Pokemon including almost every legendary even event only ones like shiny dialga,palkia and giratina or moletta from darkrai to arceus my pride was my 3 rayquaza's one of which was a lvl 85 transfered all the way from emerald and a lvl 50 caught with a premier ball from soul silver I even had a shiny gyrados I caught in emerald from mossdeep city but after years of hard work and dedication all my games and 3ds were stolen and I lost everything after much searching and even involving the police my games and D's were gone forever and I lost the heart to play Pokemon but alas with or and as coming out I once again have a shot to catch rayquaza and to that end went out and bought a 3ds xl and new copy of y for in have regained the heart to play.

So to my call to aid I don't have much and can only offer Pokemon I can catch within y version but if anyone is willing to help me out and except trades of all I can offer please let me know I'm wishing to regain what was stolen from me and any help is welcomed and appreciated.

PS. All legendarys available in y to me are not for trade as they will be my only ones