View Full Version : Trading

02-12-2012, 05:33 AM
Hi. I'm new on this site, and I have no idea how to trade. Help me please

Shiny Latios
02-12-2012, 07:25 AM
How To Search for a Pokemon

Look under POKEBAY (at the top in yellow letters)
click Trade Station

Under Welcome to Pokebay and the pictures of the 5th gen starters you can either search by number name or type.

If you dont know the number, but know the name use Search by Name and select the pokemon you want and click Search

If you only know what number it is and dont know the name because it is a blank space in your pokedex then click Search By Number pick your pokemon and click search.

If you know what type you are searching for and just want to know your options, go to Search by Type

After you have found the results for what pokemon you are looking for (and there might not be any results) you can look at the Filters that are at the top of the page. Make sure everything is in order and how you want(remember to check that you have it set for only the regions you want the pokemon on. If it doesnt matter have it set on both though). Then click one of the results.

After all of that, you can see what it is the person wants in return. If you have it you can make an offer. Fill out the data you need to so that the person knows what they are getting. You can make the offer under the trade details. Make sure you confirm that what you are trading can be traded on the generation they have set. You can leave a note saying more about your offer.

Click preview and post offer then it will show you what your offer will look like. After making sure it is right you click Place Offer.

Then if the person accepts your offer you can message them. You can get each other's Friend codes and set up a time that you can both trade. Go to the WiFi trade station and meet them. Then you trade pokemon.

I doubt I made that very clear, so tell me if you need any more help with that or if you need something else explained