View Full Version : Need some help

12-21-2014, 12:22 AM
So I only just realized a few days ago that I never finished sending the rewards from the demo to the full game, however as of late whenever I ask steven in the demo, he always has the same response "come back tomorrow and we'll talk". I have checked and there is nothing in my link, I wait more than a day and he still says the same. Can anyone give me a reason as to why he says this and a if someone could come up with a solution then I would greatly appreciate it.

12-21-2014, 05:16 AM
Hmm I really am not sure because i never had the demo but from what your saying unfortunately it maybe because the games been out for alittle bit and that it expired? idk just my thought on it..I hope thats not the case though.

12-22-2014, 11:54 AM
The only detail I haven't taken into account is that when I close the demo every day, I close it straight away, maybe that messes it up?

01-11-2015, 08:46 PM
Hi fluffy jellyfish. I can help! The same thing happened to me and I couldn't understand what was happening. I had a thought, tried and it worked. What you've got to do is go to the demo and speak to Steven, if he allows you to transfer them then great but if not you've got a little leg work. If he says come back tomorrow, you've then got to go on an adventure with him. Then make sure it saves and leave it for a day. When you next go on, it will allow you to transfer the prizes or whatever they are. This happens because after a certain point, the demo registers each time you go on an adventure as a day. If you notice when you start the demo, after each adventure, it switches from either OR to AS or AS to OR. Every time it switches, it sees this as a day. So, if you go on and it's OR, don't do the adventure and leave, the next time you go on it will be OR again. Sorry this is so long but I couldn't cut it down anymore. Hope this helps

01-20-2015, 08:15 PM
Okay thanks!