03-02-2015, 05:03 AM
(click to enlarge!)

Hello! And welcome to the Pokebay League! A pokemon league run and kept up by all it’s members. We hope to see you challenge us!
Here is a thread of basic information on the new and improved league.
For further inquiries, you may contact ---
For a list of Banned Members, League members, Badges and Hall of Fame, see the next post right here! (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/showthread.php?8408-THE-OFFICIAL-POKEBAY-LEAGUE&p=68932#post68932)

You Will Find In This Post:
Gym Leaders
Elite Four
Battle Rules and Restrictions
Other Information
Wild Cards
Applying for Membership
Returning Members

Gym Leaders:

The number of gym leaders is up to twelve. You can challenge them all, or, only eight of them in order to move on to the elite four.
Each leader will focus on a type, with the exception of one wild-card that has a move of the leader’s type. In the first match you have with them, there will be NO legends allowed on either side. Mega-evolutions are allowed. If you choose to rematch them after earning their badge, they will have a stronger team and be allowed to use one legend of their typing in the battle. This is intended to be a fun and challenging rematch and won't earn any sort of standing or title within the league.

Elite Four:

Any challenger who has gained eight PokeBay League Badges is entitled to challenge the Elite Four.

This will take place just like in the game, with the exception that you may challenge in any order you like. You may NOT switch any pokemon on your team during that time. You may, however, switch items or moves that you have in your bag. If you lose a battle before the run is over (say you win two, then lose the third) you must start the run over again. To win the Elite four, you must win four consecutive battles with them. The Elite Four will also each focus on one type, with the exception of their wild-card. No legends allowed.


After defeating every member of the Elite Four consecutively, you are now allowed to move on to the Champion! The Champion will use whatever team they choose so be prepared! If you lose to the champion, you must re-start the Elite Four challenge again. You must also use the same team you challenged the Elite Four with.
Once you’re ready to challenge, just post it in the league thread and set up a time with the champion for the battle! If you win, simply post the results of the battle and the code to the battle video if it was saved.
The Champion will remain in their position until defeated by a challenger, they will then step down and enter the Hall Of Fame (See post below), with the challenger taking their place as Champion.

**Important Note!**
Defeating the champion may not automatically induct you into the league. If you are found to have detestable behavior or questionable teams, you may be prevented from ascending to champion. Instead, your name will be added into the Hall Of Fame and the Champion seat will remain empty.

Normal Battle Rules:

-Pokemon will be automatically leveled to Level fifty before the start of the battle.
-A player's team may NOT contain two Pokémon with the same National Pokédex number. (no teams of Rotom forms)
-You may use any held item or berry found in XY/ORAS.

Flat Battle Rules:
-No duplicate Pokemon or items
-All Pokemon above level fifty will be brought down to level fifty
-All Pokemon below fifty will retain their respective level
-A team of six Pokemon is brought to every battle, but only four are selected during team preview in rotation, doubles, and triples. three for singles.
-All other league rules apply.
-All battles will be fought over WiFi using the PSS on the lower DS screen.

Ineligible Pokemon:

Legends (including Phione)
Hacked pokemon obtained via QR code, powersaves, pokegen, AR or any other means of altering game data from an outside source. Challengers and leaders found to use hacks will be banned from the league.

Ability Restrictions:

All Pokemon abilities (including Hidden Abilities) are allowed as long as they have been released and are correct for that pokemon (No Wonder Guard Spiritomb, etc)

Other Information:

-The League member may choose the format of the battle.

-The use of external devices to alter the Pokémon is prohibited.

-A challenger or League Member must notify Sierra (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?19547-HarleyEhffinQuinn) if they suspect a player of cheating.

-Whether or not to ban a member of the league will be up to the President along with information and input from the rest of the league.

-Anyone banned from the league may never have any involvement with it again, no matter how far in the future or who is leading it at the time.

-Leaders banned for hacking or cheating will have their badges nullified.

Wild Cards:
Wild Cards are the exception on a team to help give them an extra oomph. It can be any pokemon, excluding legends, as long as it has at least one move matching the leader’s chosen type. Such as a rain dance Bronzong on a water team.
The league may train as many as they like, but only ONE may be present on a league member’s team at a time. Mega-Evolutions will count as wild cards unless they share the gym's typing prior to mega-evolving; such as a a Mega-Ampharos will count as a wild-card on a Dragon team.

Applying to be a Gym Leader

To become a gym leader, all you need to do is contact us (See leaders available for rec battles below!) and have three separate trial battles with different leaders of the league. They will save the battle video and our Rec Committee will look them over to see how you did. A loss doesn't necessarily mean you won’t get it , and a win doesn't mean you will get it.
And being the only one to complete recs for an open position won't guarantee you the spot.
We’re looking for people of good character and attitude. How you interact with others around the site and how you speak and conduct yourself will have a direct impact on if you get the position you are trying for.

~You must be an active member of the site for at least a month~
~Only current and former league members are eligible to apply for Elite Four positions~

Returning to the League
If a league member leaves of their own will, they must wait a total of two months before attempting to return to the league. At that time, they must complete three rec battles with three separate league members. They may also be required to face the champion as a fourth rec, should the champion choose to accept the rec match.

**Side note**
The waiting periods can stack!
Example: A member leaves the league and the site for three months. They will have met their two month waiting period. But, when they return to the site, they will still have to wait a month to abide by the one-month activity rule.

Members who have been banned from the league are never allowed to return.

See next post for Hall Of Fame, Current Members and Badge List!

03-02-2015, 08:44 PM

The users on this list may never participate in the league again under any circumstances, no matter how far in the future. They have been given a lifetime ban.
These members have had all badges stripped from them and have been banned from ever returning to the league or challenging it. An "X" next to a user's name indicates that their badges no longer count within the league (If you have won a badge from one of these members, it will no longer go towards your badge count).
The rules are the same for both competitors and former members.

•Ryochi X

These are the people who you may battle to earn a badge. Either send them a VM, PM, or find them in the ChatBox to set up a time for a battle! Members you may contact for rec battles will be marked with: ♦ by their name.

Gym Leaders:

Coby (Bane)-Dark (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?24148-Sharpedoby)
Sie (Spooky Jim)- Water (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?19547-Unconformed)
Garrett (Halberd Is The Word)- Steel (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?26959-GPWK) (please contact to reserve a specific time for battles) ♦
Damian (EmolgaBlast)- Normal (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?2623-Little-Mac)
Joshua (The World Warrior)- Grass (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?24164-Master-yoda) ♦
Dylan (Pyromaster Dylan)- Fire (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?17745-Pyromaster-Dylan) ♦
Robin (Mr.Butters)- Poison (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?4087-Lorekeeper-Robin) ♦
Aaron (Elemental Chaos)- Ground (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?25245-Caius-Ballad)
KB ( Køga)-Ghost (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?18432-S%F8%26%23954%3B%26%23954%3B%26%23945%3B) ♦

Position(s) Available:

Types available:

Elite Four: These are who you may battle once you've earned at least 8 badges.

Neko (Lord Nyx)- Dark (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?382-Neko-the-Inscrutable) ♦
Snowy (Astronomia)- Fire (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?16802-SnowyFlame)
Digi (Digi TheFallen)- Normal (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?5312-Mr-Sand-Man) ♦
Kyle (Father Of Peace)- Psychic (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?14504-Bolt-Master-Alex) ♦

Current Champion: Chris (Crosawood) (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?25788-crosawood)♦

Info Rep: Kris (Father Of Peace) (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?14504-Alexander-Reve)
President: Sie (Spooky Jim) (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?19547-Unconformed)
Forum Rep: Sie (Spooky Jim) (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?19547-Unconformed)
Rec Committee Chair: Neko (Lord Nyx) (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?382-Neko-the-Inscrutable)

Original Champion of the league: Cloud (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?12157-Cloud1098)

Hall Of Fame:

Former Champions will be listed here as of 03-01-2015:
Grant: (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?23722-Velocity) November 23, 2014 --- April 19, 2015
Chris: (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?25788-crosawood) July 1, 2015 ---

Badges Awarded:
Here a list will be kept track of who was won what badge (Yes, old badges still count, they just won’t be listed unless you pm them to me so I can add them for you!)

Garrett, Justin, Digi, crosawood, Jdunn073, Damian, Aaron


Coby, Neko, MasterKouji, Justin, Crosawood, John, Digi, Zambajazz, Jdunn073, Aaron

Coby, Snowy, Robin, Garrett, Digi, Neko, Yoda, MrMrAnnoying, Justin, Jdunn073, tammie, Aaron,

Geo, akabane181716, Justin, Crosawood, Digi, Robin, MrMrAnnoying, Garrett, Jdunn073

Tammie, akabane181716, Coby, Digi, Snowy, Neko, Geo, Robin, John, MrMrAnnoying, Crosawood, Justin, Jdunn073, Varis, Aaron, Geo, Crosawood

Geo, Robin, Crosawood

Coby, Crosawood, Geo, Snowy, Akabane181716, Digi, MrMrAnnoying, Zac, Robin, John, Justin, Zambajazz, Garrett, Kb


Members on hiatus:
These members are on a long break due to unexpected irl reasons. Their type will be reserved until they come back or when a pre-determined period of time is reached( If applicable, whichever comes first)

KB (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?18432-S%F8%26%23954%3B%26%23954%3B%26%23945%3B) (Ghost )

03-03-2015, 07:33 AM
This is awesome. Keep it up guys.

Baby Koga
03-06-2015, 04:01 AM
With our E4 complete again, we are now looking for creative and prosperous trainers with a good battle ethic to join our team as gym leaders. If you want to apply, please inform our Rec Committee chair, Neko of your interest (or leave a comment below). Please complete 3 rec battles with any gym leader or committee member, following League rules as outlined above.

Best of luck to everyone and have fun battling! :)


Captain Cobizzle
03-07-2015, 02:40 AM
You guys probably already know this but I will be applying to be a gym leader. I already did a rec battle with Joshua. I hope I do well enough to impress you guys and join your ranks.

03-09-2015, 01:42 AM
Curious if I become a gym leader. Can I actually use bug type since an E4 member does? I am also trying to become a gym leader

Kyle the Seeker
03-09-2015, 02:59 AM
Last time I checked you can. We have a fire leader and E4 so...

03-09-2015, 05:00 AM
thanks buddy cause that helps

Baby Koga
03-16-2015, 03:50 AM
--Thread Update--

There are still gym spots available. The current types available are: fairy, dragon, rock, bug, ground, electric, ice, psychic, fighting and normal (though these are subject to change). If you think you've got what it takes and haven't yet applied, please comment below or contact Neko, and complete 3 rec battles.

For those of you haven't been successful in applying, or simply not ready for a League commitment I'd highly encourage you to challenge the League. We currently have 3 people contesting the E4 with others only a couple of badges away.

Do you have what it takes to be our next champion? There's only one way to find out. We eagerly await your challenge...

03-20-2015, 07:48 AM
Now that's creative. Makes me happy that I finally found a fandom with such an active forum :D

03-26-2015, 12:07 AM
Quick update:

E4 Member Kyle the Storm had his copy of Alpha Saphire stolen today. While he owns several other games in the series including Omega Ruby, he lost many of his competitive Pokemon including his Elite Four team. He is in the process of rebuilding as quickly as possible, but asks for patience for those seeking to challenge him until he has a new team created up to the standards of the Elite Four.

03-27-2015, 08:04 PM
I would love to try and apply as a gym leader for the fairy type if you'll let me. :) ^_^

Geo Sakuraba
03-29-2015, 05:27 PM
I would love to try and apply as a gym leader for the fairy type if you'll let me. :) ^_^

Anyone is welcome to try to be a gym leader :p you must've skimmed through and ignored the "Applying to be a Gym Leader" section of the original post.

03-29-2015, 10:13 PM
Huh? But...I wasn't quite sure who to contact when trying for the rec battles. That's also why I posted here. o:

03-29-2015, 10:22 PM
As you'll see in the thread, it says what all to do when doing rec battles.

04-03-2015, 06:07 PM
Updated gym leader requirements! Make sure you check them before applying!

- - - Updated - - -

It's with a heavy heart that the league must say goodbye to one of its members today. Tammie has stepped down from her E4 position with a desire to leave the site.

To anyone currently in an E4 run: Your win against her will still count (as long as you haven't lost to anyone else yet).

04-03-2015, 08:56 PM
Btw Sia, you have to update my username on the list of Gym Leaders. Sorry! ^^;

Geo Sakuraba
04-06-2015, 02:10 PM
Just a notice: Ive changed my username. Lets update it once more please?

04-19-2015, 04:06 PM
Hey! Just a reminder for everyone that gym leader positions are available! If you are interested in the role of a gym leader, simply post here (just so we all know you're interested and can keep track of it easier) and have 3 rec battles with separate leaders.

04-19-2015, 06:55 PM
I am interested. Either for bug (mostly for that) or psychic (secondary). But I already had my chance and lost....until May. Hope it goes better then :|

Baby Koga
04-20-2015, 08:43 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen,

With recent changes within the League not only do we have gym positions available, but there is no current Champion. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Grant for all his help in League proceedings and congratulate him in being our undefeated champion since November! He is the first champion to enter the hall of fame, but certainly won't be our last...

So you wanna be a master, of Pok-E-Bay!
Do you have the skills to be Champ-E-On?

Test your skills out on the Pokebay League! Everyone can battle, but only one can become Champion...


04-20-2015, 09:21 AM
I've been meaning to launch my challenge for a while now, but I have a few questions first. I noticed in the OP that battles can be in singles, doubles, triples, and even rotation format. So my question is this: Who decides? Does each gym leader have a preferred battle type that I need to prepare for, or do I challenge them to my own preferred battle style? Or is it randomised somehow?

My current party is geared towards VGC Doubles, so there are gaps in coverage that I would normally not allow for singles matches. I've never even tried triples or rotation battles, so I'd need to work on that before making the decision to apply for a gym leader position. For now, I think I'll just earn some badges.

Geo Sakuraba
04-20-2015, 09:31 AM
I've been meaning to launch my challenge for a while now, but I have a few questions first. I noticed in the OP that battles can be in singles, doubles, triples, and even rotation format. So my question is this: Who decides? Does each gym leader have a preferred battle type that I need to prepare for, or do I challenge them to my own preferred battle style? Or is it randomised somehow?

My current party is geared towards VGC Doubles, so there are gaps in coverage that I would normally not allow for singles matches. I've never even tried triples or rotation battles, so I'd need to work on that before making the decision to apply for a gym leader position. For now, I think I'll just earn some badges.

The leaders will choose which format of the battle. And yes, each leader has their preffered battle type you have to prepare for. Also a friendly reminder, please dont spill any beans about the leaders teams so they may make the element of surprise an actual surprise. Basically, before the battle, the only knowledge you hold will be the gym's type, the format decided by the leader, and the rules (you must know of this yourself). You may not know the actual team but you will know the possible pokemon that could appear. Thank you and your welcome :)

04-20-2015, 09:39 AM
I've been meaning to launch my challenge for a while now, but I have a few questions first. I noticed in the OP that battles can be in singles, doubles, triples, and even rotation format. So my question is this: Who decides? Does each gym leader have a preferred battle type that I need to prepare for, or do I challenge them to my own preferred battle style? Or is it randomised somehow?

My current party is geared towards VGC Doubles, so there are gaps in coverage that I would normally not allow for singles matches. I've never even tried triples or rotation battles, so I'd need to work on that before making the decision to apply for a gym leader position. For now, I think I'll just earn some badges.

As kuro just said the leaders choose there battle format, and you don't have to use the same team for every battle with the gym leaders only when you challenge the elite 4 will you have to use the same team for each battle

04-20-2015, 01:11 PM
The leaders will choose which format of the battle. And yes, each leader has their preffered battle type you have to prepare for. Also a friendly reminder, please dont spill any beans about the leaders teams so they may make the element of surprise an actual surprise. Basically, before the battle, the only knowledge you hold will be the gym's type, the format decided by the leader, and the rules (you must know of this yourself). You may not know the actual team but you will know the possible pokemon that could appear. Thank you and your welcome :)

Well...I never expected I'd be the reason for another rule to spring up xD
I suppose I must talk less than I usually do

Sakura Mamiya
04-20-2015, 01:19 PM
Well...I never expected I'd be the reason for another rule to spring up xD
I suppose I must talk less than I usually do

I don't think it's exactly a rule, just a preference by most. And I think that the preference was made long before you got here... :p Well, at least that was what I thought when I became E4.

Geo Sakuraba
04-20-2015, 01:27 PM
I don't think it's exactly a rule, just a preference by most. And I think that the preference was made long before you got here... :p Well, at least that was what I thought when I became E4.

What she said is true :p

04-20-2015, 01:30 PM
I don't think it's exactly a rule, just a preference by most. And I think that the preference was made long before you got here... :p Well, at least that was what I thought when I became E4.

Hm. I checked the whole rule table lots of times to make sure I would do nothing wrong, so sice it was a, in-talk-referred preference just called out like that, no wonder I had no idea about it :p
Though I suppose it should be a rule, since the element of surprise is so important (though I doubt anyone can stop those PMs 0.o)

04-21-2015, 08:27 PM
Just a notice to all challengers and those looking for rec battles, I am probably the least active of the Leaders so if you would like a battle, please PM me and ill gladly set up a time and date for a battle. Thank you!

Kyle the Seeker
04-22-2015, 02:30 AM
Notice, until May 1st I won't be on much unless messaged due to school work. If someone wants to challenge me to an elite 4 battle either PM me or have Neko or Crosa have me come on. I should be back to normal after May 1st

04-22-2015, 03:00 PM
Updated with new president and gym leader!
Welcome to Chris as our newest leader! He is still preparing his gym team, so stay tuned to challenge him!

Also a big congratulations to Akioeffinoak as our new president!

04-30-2015, 02:10 AM
Thank you Sie for congratulating me. With my gym I will accept most random challenges when I am awake if I am offline though just PM me about a challenge and we will schedule them

05-05-2015, 12:11 AM

We welcome Damian back to the league! He has chosen to use Normal type.

05-06-2015, 02:10 AM
Another update! Coby has joined our ranks!
Welcome, Coby!

05-07-2015, 03:55 AM
I would like to apply for the position of Fairy type Gym leader, I have sent in a request for a recorded battle. I look forward to joining you guys!

Notified that I am required to have 3 recorded battles, I have recently completed a rec with Grass type gym leader Joshua. Two more to go, couldn't be more excited.

06-07-2015, 03:03 AM
I would like to challengeplease

06-07-2015, 03:04 AM
I would like to challengeplease

well, you're welcome to. As listed above are the instructions on how to do so so nothing is stopping you from it. Have fun.

The Kiwi Dragon
06-10-2015, 03:54 AM
I noticed I'm not on the banned competitors list (which I was quite surprised at) so I thought I'd inquire if I am allowed to partake in glorious battle in this new version of the League. I have some new and interesting Pokemon I desperately wish to test out against skilled competitors, and the League seems like a perfect opportunity to do so.

06-10-2015, 04:06 AM
I noticed I'm not on the banned competitors list (which I was quite surprised at) so I thought I'd inquire if I am allowed to partake in glorious battle in this new version of the League. I have some new and interesting Pokemon I desperately wish to test out against skilled competitors, and the League seems like a perfect opportunity to do so.

1. There is no banned competitors list. There is a banned list for members who were Gym Leaders. Anyone who obtained their badges have to act as if they never got them, as they no longer count.

2. No, obviously you are not allowed to participate in the "New League." You were removed for not viewing Recs but hiring members, and ignoring members who supplied Recs and repeatedly inquired about joining the league, as well as, after being kicked out of the league, something you yourself insisted upon after lurking in the league threads, continued to use your previous mod powers to spy on the league and speak to another aspiring member of what was being discussed about him. As is listed on page 1 of the league, and i quote: "-Banned challengers have all of their badges stripped from them, and may not attempt the challenge again. -Banned Leaders may never participate again." You are indeed a banned member and the rules will remain as such unless in the unforeseeable future those rules are changed. Not to mention this is the second time, and the second cycle of the league that you were kicked out, as is the same for your mod title. So, I don't see how you could possible think you would return.

There is of course no stopping you from challenging anybody on the site, but as far as obtaining official Pokebay League badges or becoming the Champion or earning a spot as either a Gym or Elite member, that is quite blatantly impossible for you. However, I suppose we should make a list in this thread of now banned members to make that more clear. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

The Kiwi Dragon
06-10-2015, 04:10 AM
1. There is no banned competitors list. There is a banned list for members who were Gym Leaders. Anyone who obtained their badges have to act as if they never got them, as they no longer count.

2. No, obviously you are not allowed to participate in the "New League." You were removed for not viewing Recs but hiring members, and ignoring members who supplied Recs and repeatedly inquired about joining the league, as well as, after being kicked out of the league, something you yourself insisted upon after lurking in the league threads, continued to use your previous mod powers to spy on the league and speak to another aspiring member of what was being discussed about him. As is listed on page 1 of the league, and i quote: "-Banned challengers have all of their badges stripped from them, and may not attempt the challenge again. -Banned Leaders may never participate again." You are indeed a banned member and the rules will remain as such unless in the unforeseeable future those rules are changed. Not to mention this is the second time, and the second cycle of the league that you were kicked out, as is the same for your mod title. So, I don't see how you could possible think you would return.

There is of course no stopping you from challenging anybody on the site, but as far as obtaining official Pokebay League badges or becoming the Champion or earning a spot as either a Gym or Elite member, that is quite blatantly impossible for you. However, I suppose we should make a list in this thread of now banned members to make that more clear. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

Just thought I'd ask. :) Thank you!

06-10-2015, 04:13 AM
Just thought I'd ask. :) Thank you!


The Kiwi Dragon
06-10-2015, 04:16 AM

I appreciate the honesty, and now I kinda remember why I don't really have a place here anymore haha. Anyways. :p

06-10-2015, 04:22 AM
I appreciate the honesty, and now I kinda remember why I don't really have a place here anymore haha. Anyways. :p

k, np.

Baby Koga
06-18-2015, 11:59 AM

I know I haven't been quite as active in recent weeks. Between work, writing a thesis, music and just life in general I haven't been chatting or battling much. So if you want to challenge my gym please send me a pm/vm and we can try to arrange something that suits both of us :)


06-20-2015, 07:44 PM
I am now ready to challenge to the Eliete 4 I now have eight badges. I do hope that you will accept my challenges as I attempt to storm the Castle

06-21-2015, 01:34 AM
I am now ready to challenge to the Eliete 4 I now have eight badges. I do hope that you will accept my challenges as I attempt to storm the Castle

the league wishes you great luck and congratulations on making it so far. On that note, I too am attempting conquering the league, as are a couple other members, so, may the best person win.

06-27-2015, 09:03 PM
updated with new titles and badge awardments.

07-02-2015, 01:36 AM
Thread updated with badge information, as well as the listing of our new Champ!

Congratulations, Crosawood! And thank you for your hard work!

07-04-2015, 05:37 PM
Updated with name changes and badge counts!

07-10-2015, 05:17 PM
I'll have to leave the League once again because things happen. Look at the good side, a new gym leader position is open along with ghost type. I hope everyone has fun, bye!

07-10-2015, 06:53 PM
For now ghost type will not be available to other league members. I have put that type on hold as kb is only leaving for reasons out of his control. Should these reasons clear up hell be able to return to his gym.

- - - Updated - - -

Hey! Just a reminder that we have FIVE open gym positions! We are welcoming new members :)

07-18-2015, 06:20 PM
How do I participate?

Baby Koga
07-18-2015, 06:27 PM
Just contact an active member through vm/pm as listed on the first page, or ask on the chat box :)

07-18-2015, 06:45 PM
oh god pioson

07-20-2015, 09:35 AM
I do wish all who go to challenge the League good luck and fun. I await any and all challengers to the championship

Baby Koga
07-22-2015, 02:51 PM

We'd like to extend a warm welcome to Aaron who is re-joining our League as the ground type leader.

Furthermore, there are still positions available. The types that are currently available are Fighting, Flying, Electric, Psychic, Rock, Ice, Bug, Dragon & Fairy. If interested please comment here or contact Sierra or Neo to apply.

Aldo, if you'd like to challenge you can find links to all the gym leaders in the second comment of this thread. Make sure to read all the rules before you start your campaign. Best of luck!


07-22-2015, 05:30 PM
Remember to contact the Rec committee if interested at any point, even if just to clarify when you will be able to apply, and we look forward to hearing from you.

07-22-2015, 10:07 PM
i'll be dragon/fairy gym

07-23-2015, 04:53 AM
I would like to apply to become a gym leader please

07-23-2015, 07:34 PM
I'd be very interested in trying out for the Dragon type Pokebay gym leader. I don't have a full team of dragons bred and ready to go YET, but that can be easily rectified within a week or two. I'll try to leave private messages with Sierra and Neo as well, to inquire about the rules of application. :)

- - - Updated - - -

To be perfectly frank, I looked around the thread and couldn't figure out who Sierra and Neo were. xD I think I've seen them in the website chat before, though, so hopefully I'll be able to contact them that way, or will get a PM in response to these thread posts. Thaaanks for your consideration. xD

07-24-2015, 03:37 AM
If you look on the first page you can see people's names listed with their usernames. I happen to be Sierra and neo is a typo of Neko.

07-24-2015, 04:05 AM
Ahhh, perfect! Thank you!

09-11-2015, 02:58 AM
Alright yay how do i join?????

09-11-2015, 05:28 PM
If you read the entire first two posts thoroughly, You'll see instructions on how to join :)

09-11-2015, 06:11 PM
I reminder that all the pokemon got from me are marked as illegal by the league and I keep a list of all trades so please don't risk getting banned.

09-11-2015, 09:36 PM
Still cant figure it out... I don't wanna be a gym leadet

Baby Koga
09-16-2015, 11:09 PM
I'm back to business as usual now that my thesis is done. I work alternating shifts so you'll probably have to vm me to arrange a time. I'm around this weekend, mainly Sunday and I'm free most evening's next week. My battling will probably be a bit rusty, but I'm always up to the challenge! Exhibition battles are also welcome.

09-17-2015, 04:01 AM
Os there still a fairy type opening?

09-18-2015, 02:22 AM
All the info is listed on the first page.

09-19-2015, 07:44 PM
I challenging Damian the wielder of the normal gym

did i do that right?

09-20-2015, 12:42 AM
No, You have to actually contact him.

09-20-2015, 03:40 AM
Sorry I'm dumb

10-10-2015, 03:42 AM
Updated with the return of a member!

10-15-2015, 10:10 PM
I'd like to apply for the dragon gym leader spot if I can. Please pm me any details or if your free to do recorded battles. Thank you very much for your help.

10-16-2015, 06:20 AM
I should let everyone know I'm back fired up and ready to take on challengers, SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT! >_>

Baby Koga
12-15-2015, 09:31 PM
Calling out all Pokémon trainers! The League is still in play. If you want to test your strength in this unique test, then I beckon you to challenge us! Just drop us a pm to organise a battle time. Best of luck! :)

12-15-2015, 10:32 PM
Updated list of usernames for the current members of the league

Gym Leaders:
1.Coby (Black Manta) - Dark (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?24148-Sharpedoby)
2.Sierra (DJ Spooky Jim) - Water (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?19547-Unconformed)
3.Garrett (Halberd Is The Word)- Steel (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?26959-GPWK)(please contact to reserve a specific time for battles) ♦
4.Damian (Johto Silver) - Normal (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?2623-Little-Mac)
5.Joshua (The world warrior) - Rock (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?24164-Master-yoda) ♦
6.Dylan (Pyromaster Dylan) - Fire (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?17745-Pyromaster-Dylan)♦
7.Robin (Mr.Butters) - Poison (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?4087-Lorekeeper-Robin)♦
8.Aaron (Levi Ackerman) - Grass (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?25245-Caius-Ballad)
9.KB (Køga) - Ghost (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?18432-S%F8%26%23954%3B%26%23954%3B%26%23945%3B)♦
10.Aaron (akabane181716) - Dragon (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?27177-akabane181716)

E4 members:
1.Neko (Lord Nyx)-Dark (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?382-Neko-the-Inscrutable)♦
2.Snowy (Sakura Mamiya) - Fire (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?16802-SnowyFlame)
3.Digi (Digi TheFallen) - Normal (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?5312-Mr-Sand-Man)♦
4.Kyle (Father Of Peace) - Psychic (http://www.pokebay.com/forums/member.php?14504-Bolt-Master-Alex)♦

Gym Position(s) Available:

Types available:

Members you may contact for rec battles will be marked with ♦ by their name.

Listed members, types, and usernames are subject to change, please check back often to keep up to date.

12-25-2015, 05:07 AM
I'm making a comeback and would like to battle all of the leaders just want to take a look at the new battle strategies against old school :)

Baby Koga
12-25-2015, 02:02 PM
YAAAAASSS!!! Welcome back, dude! There's a badge reset on New years day, but I'll happily battle you whenever :)

12-25-2015, 09:07 PM
now thats a name i haven't seen in a long time, I hope you plan to face the E4 as well ^^

12-28-2015, 05:14 AM
Oh ok great I'll be waiting for the reset on new years! that's what I'm aiming for Elite four :) I haven't played in so long!!!

12-30-2015, 07:45 AM
Ill be waiting for the reset as well

Baby Koga
12-31-2015, 03:27 PM
Hope everyone is looking forward to the reset! There will be a new thread coming out soon too with all the new rules and members updates. Best of luck to everyone and a happy new year! :)