View Full Version : It's fatal and important for all life!!!

04-27-2015, 04:23 PM
Alrighty guys. Here's a question. The answer you give to it shall determine not just my or your fate but the fate of all humanity. Not in the Solar System or even the Milky Way, all around the Borealis has any question of highest importance ever been spoken or typed so far. The whole existence of life and even the structure of this universe shall collapse, were the question to be answered false. So beware: otherwise a new Big Bang shall reset this world and blah blah blah...you get the drill, and you mostly probably just skipped to the question xDDD

So, the question is this: Does anyone have a Razor Fang for giving? Why I need it you may ask. Well, definitely for the reason wht 99.9% of people in need of one want it ;D
Whoever didn't get bored in the mid of the text and got to read the question, PM me if you have an extra one ;)

04-27-2015, 04:33 PM
I have like 700 points left, Razor Fang is for Gligar right? (only playing on the german version fml <.<)

04-27-2015, 04:35 PM
It is indeed XD
its in battle resort???? lol! I had no idea and thought there are only in Mirage Isle lol I feel so noob now xDDD

04-27-2015, 04:38 PM
yea, for 48 points you can buy them there, pm me your friendcode and i'll trade you one

04-27-2015, 04:43 PM
No worries and thanks bro, but I got one myself xD I also have like 300 bp. Sorry for bothering you like this :|

04-27-2015, 04:45 PM
no worries