View Full Version : Can you actually SELL your Pokemon?

07-23-2015, 06:26 AM
I'm a new user and thought I'd make an account to ask this specific question, I couldn't actually find any rules on this but I was wondering if the Pokemon are completely legit can you sell them for money such as Amazon gift cards or is this not allowed? I know some sites don't allow this and others are iffy on it due to people being scammed but other things such as E-Shop cards or Itunes cards, are those allowed either? I know sites allow those to be traded for since they have no actual money value. This is just my curiosity since I am big on breeding and my pokebank is overflowing so if this is allowed it would help.

^A^ Any answers would be appreciated, thank you <3

07-23-2015, 11:19 AM
Welcome :3 It's good that you asked first!
As far as I've understood, selling pokémon for real life currency is not allowed. Like you said, scamming would very likely happen and in this kind of situation where real money is involved, things get a little trickier.
I don't know much about E-shop cards or Itunes cards, but I'm assuming you buy them with real life currency, and after that they turn into, well, E-shop and Itunes currency...? So there's still real money involved.
I'm not even sure if selling pokémon would be legal. I skimmed through some terms of use on Global Link and such but couldn't find any proof on it's legality or illegality.
You can private message an admin for confirmation on this.

07-23-2015, 03:36 PM
I will try to find an admin to ask, thank you for answering Ultra! What would be the best admin to ask on this matter?

Gaming Master 2000
07-24-2015, 12:08 AM
Hi Pishy,

To prevent all sorts of issues we don't allow Pokemon to be sold (for currency or things like iTunes/eShop cards). I appreciate you asking first though!

07-24-2015, 04:25 PM
Ah, thank you for allowing me to know! Have a nice day <3 ^A^