View Full Version : Hello!!

10-16-2015, 03:06 PM
Hello!! I'm new here, so I thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm a 21yo lab tech from Yorkshire who lives in the South west of England. I only discovered pokemon when pokemon X came out (not sure how I managed to escape it, but I did.) so most of my experience in the pokemon world is in the 6th gen though I have recently bought pokemon white off ebay and will eventually get round to playing through that. My main interest is in breeding pokemon and ev training them, rather than actually battling (probably because I suck at battling) so I found this site while looking for a 6iv ditto (stupidly didn't move my previous one to pokebank before I reset to do a shiny mapquest. worst thing I've ever done to myself) to iv breed with.

My other hobbies include reading, netflix, walking and singing. My other main fandoms are Harry Potter, Dr Who, The Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and the Discworld. If you share any of these likes then I'd love to talk to you. :) Or even if you don't and just want a chat with someone.

Fox Goddess Inari
10-16-2015, 05:05 PM
Hi Lucie and welcome to Pokebay! I have a 6IV Ditto can spare. I'm a competitive battler, breeder and rare ball collector so I can show you the ropes of battling. #BattleGoddess

10-16-2015, 05:12 PM
Hi cx I started out in the 2nd gen ( my aunt got me started on it in 2004 ) and then moved on to the third gen c: how are you liking the 6th gen? I loveeee it still XD ! If you need help then please feel free to message me cx ! I'm happy to help!~

Also if you love anime and manga let's talk XD!~

One last thing, Welcome XD! I hope you have fun on this site ^.^

10-16-2015, 07:34 PM
Welcome! :3 Hope to see you around the site!
w00t Harry Potter w00t
May I ask what's a shiny mapquest? Never heard of it before.

10-18-2015, 10:46 PM
I could donate one pokemon of your choice so you can breed it.