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View Full Version : Official Pokebay Minecraft server and Teamspeak

12-23-2015, 09:27 AM
The link to the server is https://www.thatsnotacreeper.com/content/ you have to register to get on it. rules are. If you break a rule you get banned no second chances.

rules are.
Thou shall not steal thy neighbours stuff
Thou shall not shoot thy friend with an arrow to the head (unless thy friend likes it)
Thou shall not ask the gods for free stuff (see rule 4)
Thou must not moan when life is not perfect (you die and lose your stuff, see rule 3)
Listen and heed the words of the Admin, else suffer thy consequences
Do not speak the forbidden words.
Do NOT ask for staff, admin, mod or op. NEVER EVER! GOT IT?
Thou shall not cheat, use hacks, grief, steal etc
Thou shall not preach words of false deity’s.

Teamspeak is coming soon.

12-23-2015, 06:10 PM
Wow okay but one question...
If I do join can I have --->1<--- command block?