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View Full Version : Pokemon for Items;

06-19-2016, 07:47 AM
So lately I've been breeding & catching Pokemon nonstop to the point I'm dirt poor >_>;


If you have these items to spare, I'll be happy to give you my leftover 4-5IV Pokemon c:
Some will have eggmoves, some in rareballs, some with both, maybe hackballs (which if you don't like, you can just breed until you get a Male then breed), or perhaps HAs (not all of them have 4-5IVs, but at least they have HA)

Items I'm interested in
- Big Nugget
- Pearl String
- Rare Bone
- Star Piece
- Nugget

Please don't ask me for a specific one (this is NOT a service)
Example: I want a Friendball Roselia Timid nature with Natural Cure
Example 2: Levelball Sandshrew Female
Example 3: Relaxed Snorlax

I somewhat keep the leftovers for current-future trades since I usually only have one of each, which I need to breed to have extras to trade off c: I almost have a complete box of hackballs with HAs and a couple HA Dreamballs with their specific nature AND with the eggmoves to my taste. I may breed them for leftovers but dunno when haha

BUT CURRENTLY. I'm taking a break on my Moonball Anorith (hackball) and going to start breeding my Loveball Dratini, which has HA (rareballs cannot have their HA, its impossible) along with eggmoves c: So if you're interested in that, let me know in this thread.. ONLY if you offer an item above.

As for HA Pokemon: Ask me and I'd be happy to breed/catch one for you in exchange for an item I request. If there's a specific gender/pokeball you want, let me know!

06-26-2016, 02:08 PM
i have a big nugget, pearl string, star piece and 6 nuggets. what pokemon do u want to give for these items?

07-01-2016, 11:19 PM
Like I said in my post, leftover 4-5IV Pokemons that I bred.

For example:
- Loveball Mareep
- Loveball/Moonball Roselia
- Moonball Anorith
- Loveball Dratini
(These are ones that I can think of atm) +whatever else I have left of 4-5IV Pokemon
&& I do have extra rareballs, which they're up for trade as well (most of them have eggmoves, so thats a bonus)

But if you want an specific HA Pokemon in a specific pokeball from Friend Safari (I have to check if I have it or not) then I can go catch it for you, but they wont be 4-5IV.

07-02-2016, 07:00 AM
i want any pokemon with HA. i dont care if it is in a specific pokeball. just HA.

07-02-2016, 07:13 AM
Ok sure so how many do you want? 1 item per Pokemon

07-02-2016, 07:29 AM
i dont really care about a number of pokemon. you can choose how many. i have lots of these items. i will be gone for a few hours so i will be free in around 4 hours.

07-02-2016, 07:54 AM
Um okay? So which items are you trading? I'm only interested in the items I listed in my 1st post. Also I need to know how many so I can organize and move your Pokemon to a separate box.

Example: if you are going to trade me 4 items, I will trade you 4 HA Pokemons
So it would be helpful if you told me how many you want.

I will probably be available to trade tomorrow since its late here. For starters I will go catch 4 HA Pokemons for you but if you're trading more items, I will catch/give you more Pokemon.

07-02-2016, 11:02 AM
ok so i have 6 big nuggets, 8 pearl strings, 2 star pieces and 7 nuggets. it is 23 items in total. you dont have to get me 23 pokemon. give me as many as you want

07-03-2016, 03:03 AM
Honestly I don't mind giving/getting you all 23 HA Pokemon if thats what you'll like. (I've done 60+ trades before so 23 Pokemons is a piece of cake lol) but that is up to you. I feel bad if I took all of it so how many you want to give away is the same amount of HA Pokemon I will give you.

May I get your FC & IGN? Mine is FC: 2621-3469-9850 IGN: Kay | IGN just to make sure Im trading with the right person (I usually have 5-6 peeps online and I don't keep track of them)

07-03-2016, 12:00 PM
ok. mu fc is on my profile and my ign is Morfo. i am giving away all of the items i wrote to you. 23 items. if thats okay with you, i dont mind getting 23 pokemon.when you are free to trade, pm me or write a visitor message on my profile.