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06-21-2016, 03:10 AM
Well. First day on a new site. I figured 'What better way to act like I might, maybe, possibly belong here than hop in the forum and blab for awhile?'

So, for the odd few that are interested, here's a little story of mine. A little reverse-welcome gift.

This is a dream I had, several years ago.
Prior to this dream, as my name and nickname imply, I was a massive Mew fan. Like, huge. It was a little ridiculous. Now, this dream actually included a Mew; in fact, the Mew was vital to its plot. However, since this dream, there's no Pokemon I'd rather have by my side than the mischievous, sparking goofball that is Rotom.

...I'm on a helicopter, in which my partner and I were being flown to my next mission. I was a Pokemon Ranger; cool, cunning, eager to save the day. My partner? The little dork possessing the fan next to me. Which wasn't very ideal, considering the fact we were passing over an active volcano at the time. I found my partner's behavior amusing, but the woman, lucario and yoshi (Yes. There was a Yoshi. The dream had a crossover... ironically, to another dream. But that's a different story!) sitting across from me and being transported back from their previous mission were not quite so entertained.

Our mission? To rescue a Poke-napped Mew from the depths of a Team Plasma base. My team had received news that the Pokemon was being used to power some horrendous device, which would surely kill it. Time was crucial. I couldn't afford to fail.

Upon reaching the base, I knew that avoiding detection would be key to a successful mission. My partner and I kept to the side tunnels, penetrating deep into the facility. I knew that taking an elevator or some other such method of descention would be much too risky... but what other way could there be to get to the lower levels quick enough? The answer my unconscious mind engineered, though it made perfect sense at the time, was both risky and likely to get us caught anyway.

The layout of this base, you see, was a rather strange one; not unlike some buildings I've seen in real life. The whole complex was roughly octagonal in shape, and consisted of level after level of rings of walk-space along which rooms branched off, like the thin hallways of a hotel. At the center of these rings, separated by a thin railing, was an empty gap stretching into the complex's depths. It was certainly a dangerous move, but all other options seemed nixed. So I pulled out my trusty escape rope (whose name gave it an ironic purpose in this situation), tied it to the railing's edge and cast off into the unknown, my partner trailing behind me.

Much to the shock of my post-dream self, I continued in this fashion quite undetected for some time until a different obstacle entirely threatened to halt my progress; in yet another ironic (Given its usefulness in-game) twist, the rope was much too short to allow me to reach my destination! I had no choice but to swing into the level which I was now beside and continue my descent from there. So I did, and within the hall I had entered I crept ever-farther into the base until my exploration led me to a set of stairs. These, unlike the stairwells of the former levels, were fortunately quite empty, so I began to climb down them.

The room they emptied my partner and I out into was dark. Strangely so. Ominously so. As I stumbled about, I felt myself run into strange, indiscernible objects. All the while, I was alert. Something was wrong. Very, very wrong. The answer to my suspicions came suddenly, in the form of two pulses of bright, white light which fell into the forms of a Dusknoir and Sneasel. Ack! I had been discovered! As I was caught in a moment of stunned disbelief, the Pokemon guided by their unseen goons charged me- I would have been finished, if it had not been for my partner, who flew before me and shielded me from the blows! My Rotom's bravery pulled me from my haze; I knew I had to act fast. A single Discharge from my partner was all it took to bring the attackers down, and before they could recover, we fled.

I knew time was thin now. If I had been found out, it wouldn't be long before a full-scale lock-down was put into effect, and my entire mission compromised. Plowing through a door, partner at my side, I rushed down another small flight of stairs which wound upon itself before emptying into a long, strangely well-lit hallway.

And at the end of the hallway, through an unsealed, metallic door, was Mew.

Suspended by thin wires, encapsulated within a large, glassy sphere, held in place by a large, dubious machine. I could see its pitiful weakness; the Pokemon seemed horribly drained, and as I stared, it raised its head; I could have sworn it was looking at us, when a sudden shock of pink energy exploded within the chamber, sending the Pokemon writhing in pain. Horrified, I charged forward.

When, suddenly, concrete barrier after concrete barrier slammed down into the hall and blocked my path.
I had been discovered. The hallway was barricaded.

Shocked- no, FURIOUS, I emitted a scream and launched myself at the wall, pounding at it. My partner, in equal disbelief, did the same, but to no avail. We were trapped.

Defeated, I leaned my head against the blockade, when something caught my attention. Prompted my gaze to fall to my left.

Where a Mewtwo stood. Arms crossed. Staring back at me.

...Unfortunately, this is where the dream ended. No, seriously; I woke up right there, with no clue what happened next. Talk about a cliffhanger! Over the years, I've constructed an ending for myself, but as for this post, I'll stay true to the original story. Perhaps if this gets enough notice, I'll edit in my ending. Shoot- if you want, comment your own. Anyway. Glad to be here! Hope to see you all around.

-Your Unrealistic Story-teller, Mewkitty22

06-21-2016, 10:34 AM
Intensive! You've got nice writing. :3 I would love to hear the ending!

06-22-2016, 01:56 AM
This is incredible :3c I got hooked immediately and I'd love to hear the ending as well ;u; amazing writing skills 100/10~

06-22-2016, 09:39 PM
A++ !!! Amazing writing! I totally want to hear the end too

S.A. Natsu
07-02-2016, 06:25 AM
Finally got around to reading this.... Pretty good. Indeed a great cliffhanger (speaking as unbiased as possible as a Mewtwo fan)

07-09-2016, 07:25 AM
Well. First day on a new site. I figured 'What better way to act like I might, maybe, possibly belong here than hop in the forum and blab for awhile?'

So, for the odd few that are interested, here's a little story of mine. A little reverse-welcome gift.

This is a dream I had, several years ago.
Prior to this dream, as my name and nickname imply, I was a massive Mew fan. Like, huge. It was a little ridiculous. Now, this dream actually included a Mew; in fact, the Mew was vital to its plot. However, since this dream, there's no Pokemon I'd rather have by my side than the mischievous, sparking goofball that is Rotom.

...I'm on a helicopter, in which my partner and I were being flown to my next mission. I was a Pokemon Ranger; cool, cunning, eager to save the day. My partner? The little dork possessing the fan next to me. Which wasn't very ideal, considering the fact we were passing over an active volcano at the time. I found my partner's behavior amusing, but the woman, lucario and yoshi (Yes. There was a Yoshi. The dream had a crossover... ironically, to another dream. But that's a different story!) sitting across from me and being transported back from their previous mission were not quite so entertained.

Our mission? To rescue a Poke-napped Mew from the depths of a Team Plasma base. My team had received news that the Pokemon was being used to power some horrendous device, which would surely kill it. Time was crucial. I couldn't afford to fail.

Upon reaching the base, I knew that avoiding detection would be key to a successful mission. My partner and I kept to the side tunnels, penetrating deep into the facility. I knew that taking an elevator or some other such method of descention would be much too risky... but what other way could there be to get to the lower levels quick enough? The answer my unconscious mind engineered, though it made perfect sense at the time, was both risky and likely to get us caught anyway.

The layout of this base, you see, was a rather strange one; not unlike some buildings I've seen in real life. The whole complex was roughly octagonal in shape, and consisted of level after level of rings of walk-space along which rooms branched off, like the thin hallways of a hotel. At the center of these rings, separated by a thin railing, was an empty gap stretching into the complex's depths. It was certainly a dangerous move, but all other options seemed nixed. So I pulled out my trusty escape rope (whose name gave it an ironic purpose in this situation), tied it to the railing's edge and cast off into the unknown, my partner trailing behind me.

Much to the shock of my post-dream self, I continued in this fashion quite undetected for some time until a different obstacle entirely threatened to halt my progress; in yet another ironic (Given its usefulness in-game) twist, the rope was much too short to allow me to reach my destination! I had no choice but to swing into the level which I was now beside and continue my descent from there. So I did, and within the hall I had entered I crept ever-farther into the base until my exploration led me to a set of stairs. These, unlike the stairwells of the former levels, were fortunately quite empty, so I began to climb down them.

The room they emptied my partner and I out into was dark. Strangely so. Ominously so. As I stumbled about, I felt myself run into strange, indiscernible objects. All the while, I was alert. Something was wrong. Very, very wrong. The answer to my suspicions came suddenly, in the form of two pulses of bright, white light which fell into the forms of a Dusknoir and Sneasel. Ack! I had been discovered! As I was caught in a moment of stunned disbelief, the Pokemon guided by their unseen goons charged me- I would have been finished, if it had not been for my partner, who flew before me and shielded me from the blows! My Rotom's bravery pulled me from my haze; I knew I had to act fast. A single Discharge from my partner was all it took to bring the attackers down, and before they could recover, we fled.

I knew time was thin now. If I had been found out, it wouldn't be long before a full-scale lock-down was put into effect, and my entire mission compromised. Plowing through a door, partner at my side, I rushed down another small flight of stairs which wound upon itself before emptying into a long, strangely well-lit hallway.

And at the end of the hallway, through an unsealed, metallic door, was Mew.

Suspended by thin wires, encapsulated within a large, glassy sphere, held in place by a large, dubious machine. I could see its pitiful weakness; the Pokemon seemed horribly drained, and as I stared, it raised its head; I could have sworn it was looking at us, when a sudden shock of pink energy exploded within the chamber, sending the Pokemon writhing in pain. Horrified, I charged forward.

When, suddenly, concrete barrier after concrete barrier slammed down into the hall and blocked my path.
I had been discovered. The hallway was barricaded.

Shocked- no, FURIOUS, I emitted a scream and launched myself at the wall, pounding at it. My partner, in equal disbelief, did the same, but to no avail. We were trapped.

Defeated, I leaned my head against the blockade, when something caught my attention. Prompted my gaze to fall to my left.

Where a Mewtwo stood. Arms crossed. Staring back at me.

...Unfortunately, this is where the dream ended. No, seriously; I woke up right there, with no clue what happened next. Talk about a cliffhanger! Over the years, I've constructed an ending for myself, but as for this post, I'll stay true to the original story. Perhaps if this gets enough notice, I'll edit in my ending. Shoot- if you want, comment your own. Anyway. Glad to be here! Hope to see you all around.

-Your Unrealistic Story-teller, Mewkitty22

This is written so well, and I love it a lot!

08-01-2016, 06:23 PM
Kittgurl66, your signature goes so well with this post.

08-04-2016, 08:18 PM
Wow, I can never remember a dream in such detail as that I just woke up from, nevermind several years ago. Either way, I love it. 10/10 would love to see an ending :D

06-26-2021, 01:55 PM
Amazing writing.I rarely remember every detail of any dream I've had in the morning.

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10-20-2021, 11:58 AM
Did you know your sleep patterns matters when it comes to dreaming (https://minotaurfightstore.co.uk/discipline/boxing/). Now you know!. (https://minotaurfightstore.co.uk/women/protection-women/boxing-gloves-protection-women/)