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Thread: Zorua/Zoroark Giveaway

  1. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 0 | Offers: 0 | Wishlist Items: 0 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0

    Zorua/Zoroark Giveaway

    I have tons and tons of free Zorua and Zoroark if anyone wants one, I'll trade about anything for one. (I do have a few female Zorua, they're kind of rare.)

  2. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 1 | Offers: 35 | Wishlist Items: 3 | Wishlist Offers: 5 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    Salsa, you are to give me a female Zorua.

  3. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 9 | Offers: 77 | Wishlist Items: 8 | Wishlist Offers: 2 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    ahh (: can i have a female zorua and do you have a shiny one ?

  4. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 24 | Offers: 69 | Wishlist Items: 20 | Wishlist Offers: 11 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    I'll take a female one. Can you nickname it Nightrose?
    Darkness And Light Collide!

  5. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 0 | Offers: 0 | Wishlist Items: 5 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    I'd like a Zorua

  6. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 0 | Offers: 15 | Wishlist Items: 1 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    If you still have any, can I have a zorua and a zoroark? Female if possible, if not w/e
    Pokemon Black , FC: 0948-8359-5061

  7. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 0 | Offers: 0 | Wishlist Items: 0 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    I'll take a male zorua.
    My fc is 2495-3347-4831

  8. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 290 | Offers: 509 | Wishlist Items: 26 | Wishlist Offers: 43 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    Can I have 1 female 2 male Zoruas, 2 male Zouracks plz

  9. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 1 | Offers: 11 | Wishlist Items: 4 | Wishlist Offers: 7 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    can i have a male one named Rafael?
    thought: The light within will overcome the surrounding darkness.
    thinks back: and when is that supposed to happen. It didn't happen yet

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