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Thread: Goodbye for now...

  1. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 17 | Offers: 87 | Wishlist Items: 55 | Wishlist Offers: 12 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0

    Goodbye for now...

    Since the school year is now over I won't be able to be here for about two months until August. I'll be on vacation but I will be back soon. So to everyone here at Pokebay have a good summer vacation.:3

    "I've come to deliver some bad luck."

  2. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 1203 | Offers: 242 | Wishlist Items: 196 | Wishlist Offers: 32 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    Enjoy your vacation Blaze and I'll talk to you when you return.

  3. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 1 | Offers: 5 | Wishlist Items: 0 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    Have a nice vacation! Get lots of Pokemon... I mean, sun! ^_^
    (-o-) ¨(`o˛)¨ (-o-)

  4. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 154 | Offers: 903 | Wishlist Items: 37 | Wishlist Offers: 101 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    Yeah !!

  5. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 33 | Offers: 13 | Wishlist Items: 18 | Wishlist Offers: 9 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    Enjoy your vacation and have fun

  6. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 1 | Offers: 9 | Wishlist Items: 0 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    Have a nice vacation!
    We'll see you soon!

  7. #7
    PTRuko Guest
    PokeBay Stats: Trades: | Offers: | Wishlist Items: | Wishlist Offers: | Battles: | Battle Requests:
    Peace Blaze! Take care and have fun! Don't forget your sunscreen!

  8. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 87 | Offers: 196 | Wishlist Items: 13 | Wishlist Offers: 1 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    See ya Blaze.

    Not really here anymore. But I do stop by from time to time, to see if this place is still alive!

  9. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 24 | Offers: 69 | Wishlist Items: 20 | Wishlist Offers: 11 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    Lucky I don't get outta school for another month. Have fun!
    Darkness And Light Collide!

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