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Thread: Looking for Dittos

  1. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 0 | Offers: 0 | Wishlist Items: 1 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0

    Looking for Dittos

    Looking for either someone with ditto friend safari or has access to one and doesn't mind catching and sending me one (or more if your feeling generous)

  2. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 0 | Offers: 7 | Wishlist Items: 0 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    What are u willing to trade?

  3. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 0 | Offers: 0 | Wishlist Items: 1 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    I haven't got a lot what are you after?

  4. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 9 | Offers: 1 | Wishlist Items: 0 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    Quote Originally Posted by jsanchez View Post
    What are u willing to trade?
    if you have a ditto friend safari ill trade you a shiny

  5. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 17 | Offers: 29 | Wishlist Items: 12 | Wishlist Offers: 3 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    why do you need a ditto

  6. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 0 | Offers: 0 | Wishlist Items: 1 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    I need one for breeding

  7. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 43 | Offers: 46 | Wishlist Items: 1 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    I have a foreign ditto if you interested
    My friend code is 0047-4223-6840 pokemon black
    my Pokémon x code is 0087-2790-0371

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