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Thread: Shadow_claw's gifting!

  1. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 20 | Offers: 40 | Wishlist Items: 4 | Wishlist Offers: 3 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0

    Talking Shadow_claw's gifting!

    This is my first official giveaway, so I have a bit to give away. This will end on April 20th, exactly three weeks from now.

    Pokemon I'll gift:
    Japanese event Arceus
    Shiny Leavanny
    Event Torchic with Blazikenite
    Shiny Trevenant (can be nicknamed)


    I'd like you hear about: 1) your favorite pokemon memory 2) You biggest mistake playing pokemon, 3) your favorite pokemon and why, or 4) your favorite shiny pokemon and why. Winners will be chosen from what they have to say.

    Also, please state which one you want in your post!

    Good Luck,


  2. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 43 | Offers: 115 | Wishlist Items: 1 | Wishlist Offers: 7 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    My favorite pokemon memory (well, one of them)- decoding brail to catch the regi trio in emerald

    Biggest mistake- transfering all my pokemon except a weedle from ruby to pearl before capturing groudon (forgot I haven't caught it yet) and then forgetting to get the master ball before making it unavailable for the rest of the game which would have been my one chance to being able to catch the groudon.

    Favorite pokemon- Lucario because he is well trained, talented with aura, and very loyal or Latias because she is so friendly and can understand human speech and their emotions well and can take on a human form

    Favorite shiny- maybe shiny Hydreigon, it looks amazing with those colors or Rayquaza which looks beast in black

    I would want Event Torchic with Blazikenite because I got my 3ds and gen VI game on for my birthday which was Jan 16 AKA the day after the event ended (15th) -.-

  3. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 57 | Offers: 82 | Wishlist Items: 23 | Wishlist Offers: 4 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    Fav pokemon memory is when i caught shiny rattata xD it was my first time seeing a shiny, and i wasn't sure it was shiny at the time but i'm so glad i did catch it, ad i still have it.
    Biggest mistake is when i was audino training....i was leveling up my Lucario and a shiny audino appeared, but by the time i registered it was shiny, i had already hit force palm....i got 636 exp points from it.....
    Fav pokemon is a tie between pikachu and phantump. Pikachu because i related to it's temper as a kid and at the time i wasn't close to my mom and i gradually attached to her like pikachu did with Ash. And phantump because he is just so cute and i can't stop giggling when i hear his little spooky sound X3
    Fav shiny would be Giratina or Phantump. I love that phantump resembles a japanese tree that my mom had planted...can't remember the name. And shiny Giratina is just boss xD

    I would like the Arceus so i can give my friend his back and have my own, please

  4. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 96 | Offers: 114 | Wishlist Items: 52 | Wishlist Offers: 5 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    1.My favorite Pokemon memory is the first time I link-traded in first gen. It was with my childhood best friend's two younger brothers who I didn't get along with before I'd moved away. Pokemon is probably the first time we ever really wanted to be friendly. I didn't know anyone else who played so there was no way for me to get the blue exclusives and the charmander and squirtle families. There was no breeding yet so they couldn't make more and we all refused to start our games over but we traded everything we had. 146 is the most I ever got in first gen.

    2.My biggest mistake was saving after beating the first of the elite four. I didn't play for months after that and when I went back in I still had to beat the other three and the champion which took forever.

    3.My favorite pokemon is Lapras. It's a beast in battle, comes with good abilities, learns good moves and gets good tm's and surf. I like its typing and I use it in almost every playthrough. If I could have one pokemon in real life it would be Lapras.

    4.My favorite shiny is Ninetails because it's pretty in the evolved form. (Ponyta is my second favorite but Rapidash is lamesauce.)

    I'd like Trevenant as it is also a cool-looking evolved shiny.
    X/Y FC: 4570 8735 5397
    Check out my new Hidden Ability trade shop!

  5. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 0 | Offers: 0 | Wishlist Items: 0 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    hello Shadow_claw i wanted to tell you why i think i should get your give away Pokemon(Japanese event Arceus).
    1. best pokemon memory would have to be finally getting my first pokemon game saphire witch i got jst about a year ago made getting a part time job worth every second spent working my tail off when i got the money to buy my own game. i currently bought the ds and have soul silver. (2.)the biggest mistake playing pokemon would have to be while playing saphire for the first time i could not catch kyoger and used the master ball on it and after i beat the game it said i could catch latias but i couldnt do it with ultra balls so i had to restart my game .3. my favorite pokemon would have to be mewtwo because he is made by humands and thinks less of himself witch i kinda relate to him i use to get bullied a lot in middle school until i decided to stand up for my self and told them off and i also think he is the coolest pokemon ever i grew up watching pokemon so when mewtwo came out i was thrilled so i hope i can win a pokemon, if not maybe you can send me your pokemon x or y code so we can battle some time i am saving up for the 3ds and pokemon x or y

    4. favorite shiny would have to be charizard he looks awesome in shiny form.

  6. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 0 | Offers: 0 | Wishlist Items: 0 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    1. My favorite Pokémon memory is from Ruby. 7 or 8 years ago. I was a wee lad and still had a lot to learn about the world of Pokémon. I was battling the elite four. I had stocked up on hyper potions and revives before challenging and with intense determination, I made it to the champion. With my trusty Swampert, Aggron, Armaldo and three others I can't remember, I battled Steven with everything I had. I can't begin to count how many times I had to revive my Pokémon so I could get just one more shot in. At some point in the battle, I ran out of revives. My only Pokémon was Swampert. I don't remember what he had but it was tough. I used my last earthquake to take out what I though was his last Pokémon. It wasn't. Now all I had were about 10 hyper potions and a Swampert with absolutely no PP. I don't know how but the Pokémon gods were on my side that day and I defeated Steven with struggle. It was the single greatest victory in my life and I don't think anything I experience in Pokémon will overshadow it.

    2. My biggest mistake happened on Silver. It was my first game. I had already beaten the game and was just messing around in the Ilex Forest. I began fishing in the little pond by the exit to Goldenrod City and I saw it. The first shiny Pokémon I ever saw (excluding the red Gyarados). A Poliwag, a little bit lighter colored than normal. I sent out the weaker Pokémon I was training and lowered it's health. Then I put it to sleep. Went to the bag, pressed the A button on Poké Ball. My box was full. I tried for hours to find the Poliwag again with no luck.

    3. My favorite Pokémon is probably Typhlosion. Because it was my first Pokémon. My first to train to level 100. I have a lot of memories with Typhlosion.

    4. My favorite shiny is probably Ho-oh, because it's gold and silver. But I also like Charizard, it just looks badass. I'm also partial to that Poliwag I didn't catch and the first one I did find and catch, a Duosion on White last year (which is not up for trade, I don't care what anyone offers).

    If I win, I would like the shiny Leavanny because if I'm not mistaken, it was mine that I just traded to you a couple of days ago. And I put a lot of time into evolving that thing. For some reason, it just wouldn't get happy enough.
    Last edited by xanthurion; 04-08-2014 at 07:17 AM.

  7. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 39 | Offers: 90 | Wishlist Items: 5 | Wishlist Offers: 19 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    1) My favorite Pokemon memory is back playing Pokemon Blue on the gameboy andvance (no backlit screen), and taking it on long car trips. I always remember straining my eyes late at night so I could try to see anything, while playing. Of course, it was like Christmas morning whenever a car would drive behind us, as I used their headlights as my Pokemon light.

    2) My biggest mistake was also with Pokemon Blue. I played that thing forever, and finally completed the Pokedex. My neighbor asked if he could borrow my game so he could get a few Pokemon, so I let him borrow it (assuming he was using it to trade some of my hard-to-obtain Pokemon to his cartridge). Once I got it back, I realized he wanted to get one of the starters and thus restart my game. I will never let GP (his initials) ever use my game again.

    3) My favorite Pokemon is Gengar and always has been. I have always loved Gengar because (again) of my days with Pokemon Blue. I remember he was head and shoulders above most other Pokemon and he just wrecked anything he put his hands on. He is, obviously, better matched these days, but I still find him quite useful.
    My FC: 4441-8378-8048

  8. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 20 | Offers: 40 | Wishlist Items: 4 | Wishlist Offers: 3 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    Happy Easter everyone! It's time to announce the winners!

    Arceus- Katarina
    Torchic- Stormwalker22
    Trevenant- Velvet
    Leavanny- jhuckaby

    Congratulations to the winners! I will be available over the weekdays starting tomorrow!
    My 3DS friend code: 3883-6359-0969
    It's all fun and games until somebody faints a shiny.

  9. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 43 | Offers: 115 | Wishlist Items: 1 | Wishlist Offers: 7 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    Yay! My friend code is 3797-7734-8897, msg me when you can trade.

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