I was just thinking about an idea I had made months ago when watching the episode Archen In The Modern World. Team Rocket was making a big deal about Dream Mist which can make extinct pokemon come back to life. Team Rocket wanted it for some reason and I began wondering why since it was never explained. So I wanted to say my ideas about it and how I think this new season, which in my opinion ain't so great, may turn out to be the surprise season of the entire series! (Just my thoughts. Note these are not spoilers and I don't guarantee they will happen. I just was thinking what if.)

So Dream Mist brings pokemon back to life from the dead. Everyone is in Unova. And of course Team Rocket wants the most powerful pokemon they can get, especially legends. So wouldn't this be the perfect plot for introducing Genesect?? Or even also Team Plasma? Maybe somehow Team Plasma steals the information Team Rocket got from the Dream Mist and uses it to resurrect Genesect and enhance it, as we all know that is what genesect's storyline is anyway. An extinct pokemon brought back to life and enhanced by Team Plasma. Similar to Mewtwo in that respect. Team Rocket and Plasma have a huge faceoff for control of Genesect, and of course Ash saves the day blah blah blah but I think it'd take the show on a whole new plot and this season could use more good episodes in my opinion so... Meh, just wanted to share my thoughts and feel free to comment on it and say your own plot ideas if you have any.