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Thread: Shiny evee chandelure and tropius for trade

  1. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 0 | Offers: 0 | Wishlist Items: 0 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0

    Shiny evee chandelure and tropius for trade

    I'm looking for other shiny. And event pokemon

  2. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 249 | Offers: 698 | Wishlist Items: 12 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    info on eeve chandelure and tropius.

  3. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 0 | Offers: 0 | Wishlist Items: 0 | Wishlist Offers: 0 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    Tropius and chandelure are gone evee info is lv 38 relaxed run away male

  4. PokeBay Stats: Trades: 20 | Offers: 40 | Wishlist Items: 4 | Wishlist Offers: 3 | Battles: 0 | Battle Requests: 0
    I have a shiny dialga, event Scicor, and a few more shinies if you're interested in trading for the eevee
    My 3DS friend code: 3883-6359-0969
    It's all fun and games until somebody faints a shiny.

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