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Viewing the Pokedex for chuwachuwa
#001 - Bulbasaur
#002 - Ivysaur
#003 - Venusaur
#004 - Charmander
#005 - Charmeleon
#006 - Charizard
#007 - Squirtle
#008 - Wartortle
#009 - Blastoise
#010 - Caterpie
#011 - Metapod
#012 - Butterfree
#013 - Weedle
#014 - Kakuna
#015 - Beedrill
#016 - Pidgey
#017 - Pidgeotto
#018 - Pidgeot
#019 - Rattata
#020 - Raticate
#021 - Spearow
#022 - Fearow
#023 - Ekans
#024 - Arbok
#025 - Pikachu
#026 - Raichu
#027 - Sandshrew
#028 - Sandslash
#029 - Nidoran (F)
#030 - Nidorina
#031 - Nidoqueen
#032 - Nidoran (M)
#033 - Nidorino
#034 - Nidoking
#035 - Clefairy
#036 - Clefable
#037 - Vulpix
#038 - Ninetales
#039 - Jigglypuff
#040 - Wigglytuff
#041 - Zubat
#042 - Golbat
#043 - Oddish
#044 - Gloom
#045 - Vileplume
#046 - Paras
#047 - Parasect
#048 - Venonat
#049 - Venomoth
#050 - Diglett
#051 - Dugtrio
#052 - Meowth
#053 - Persian
#054 - Psyduck
#055 - Golduck
#056 - Mankey
#057 - Primeape
#058 - Growlithe
#059 - Arcanine
#060 - Poliwag
#061 - Poliwhirl
#062 - Poliwrath
#063 - Abra
#064 - Kadabra
#065 - Alakazam
#066 - Machop
#067 - Machoke
#068 - Machamp
#069 - Bellsprout
#070 - Weepinbell
#071 - Victreebel
#072 - Tentacool
#073 - Tentacruel
#074 - Geodude
#075 - Graveler
#076 - Golem
#077 - Ponyta
#078 - Rapidash
#079 - Slowpoke
#080 - Slowbro
#081 - Magnemite
#082 - Magneton
#083 - Farfetch'd
#084 - Doduo
#085 - Dodrio
#086 - Seel
#087 - Dewgong
#088 - Grimer
#089 - Muk
#090 - Shellder
#091 - Cloyster
#092 - Gastly
#093 - Haunter
#094 - Gengar
#095 - Onix
#096 - Drowzee
#097 - Hypno
#098 - Krabby
#099 - Kingler
#100 - Voltorb
#101 - Electrode
#102 - Exeggcute
#103 - Exeggutor
#104 - Cubone
#105 - Marowak
#106 - Hitmonlee
#107 - Hitmonchan
#108 - Lickitung
#109 - Koffing
#110 - Weezing
#111 - Rhyhorn
#112 - Rhydon
#113 - Chansey
#114 - Tangela
#115 - Kangaskhan
#116 - Horsea
#117 - Seadra
#118 - Goldeen
#119 - Seaking
#120 - Staryu
#121 - Starmie
#122 - Mr. Mime
#123 - Scyther
#124 - Jynx
#125 - Electabuzz
#126 - Magmar
#127 - Pinsir
#128 - Tauros
#129 - Magikarp
#130 - Gyarados
#131 - Lapras
#132 - Ditto
#133 - Eevee
#134 - Vaporeon
#135 - Jolteon
#136 - Flareon
#137 - Porygon
#138 - Omanyte
#139 - Omastar
#140 - Kabuto
#141 - Kabutops
#142 - Aerodactyl
#143 - Snorlax
#144 - Articuno
#145 - Zapdos
#146 - Moltres
#147 - Dratini
#148 - Dragonair
#149 - Dragonite
#150 - Mewtwo
#151 - Mew
#152 - Chikorita
#153 - Bayleef
#154 - Meganium
#155 - Cyndaquil
#156 - Quilava
#157 - Typhlosion
#158 - Totodile
#159 - Croconaw
#160 - Feraligatr
#161 - Sentret
#162 - Furret
#163 - Hoothoot
#164 - Noctowl
#165 - Ledyba
#166 - Ledian
#167 - Spinarak
#168 - Ariados
#169 - Crobat
#170 - Chinchou
#171 - Lanturn
#172 - Pichu
#173 - Cleffa
#174 - Igglybuff
#175 - Togepi
#176 - Togetic
#177 - Natu
#178 - Xatu
#179 - Mareep
#180 - Flaaffy
#181 - Ampharos
#182 - Bellossom
#183 - Marill
#184 - Azumarill
#185 - Sudowoodo
#186 - Politoed
#187 - Hoppip
#188 - Skiploom
#189 - Jumpluff
#190 - Aipom
#191 - Sunkern
#192 - Sunflora
#193 - Yanma
#194 - Wooper
#195 - Quagsire
#196 - Espeon
#197 - Umbreon
#198 - Murkrow
#199 - Slowking
#200 - Misdreavus
#201 - Unown
#202 - Wobbuffet
#203 - Girafarig
#204 - Pineco
#205 - Forretress
#206 - Dunsparce
#207 - Gligar
#208 - Steelix
#209 - Snubbull
#210 - Granbull
#211 - Qwilfish
#212 - Scizor
#213 - Shuckle
#214 - Heracross
#215 - Sneasel
#216 - Teddiursa
#217 - Ursaring
#218 - Slugma
#219 - Magcargo
#220 - Swinub
#221 - Piloswine
#222 - Corsola
#223 - Remoraid
#224 - Octillery
#225 - Delibird
#226 - Mantine
#227 - Skarmory
#228 - Houndour
#229 - Houndoom
#230 - Kingdra
#231 - Phanpy
#232 - Donphan
#233 - Porygon2
#234 - Stantler
#235 - Smeargle
#236 - Tyrogue
#237 - Hitmontop
#238 - Smoochum
#239 - Elekid
#240 - Magby
#241 - Miltank
#242 - Blissey
#243 - Raikou
#244 - Entei
#245 - Suicune
#246 - Larvitar
#247 - Pupitar
#248 - Tyranitar
#249 - Lugia
#250 - Ho-Oh
#251 - Celebi
#252 - Treecko
#253 - Grovyle
#254 - Sceptile
#255 - Torchic
#256 - Combusken
#257 - Blaziken
#258 - Mudkip
#259 - Marshtomp
#260 - Swampert
#261 - Poochyena
#262 - Mightyena
#263 - Zigzagoon
#264 - Linoone
#265 - Wurmple
#266 - Silcoon
#267 - Beautifly
#268 - Cascoon
#269 - Dustox
#270 - Lotad
#271 - Lombre
#272 - Ludicolo
#273 - Seedot
#274 - Nuzleaf
#275 - Shiftry
#276 - Taillow
#277 - Swellow
#278 - Wingull
#279 - Pelipper
#280 - Ralts
#281 - Kirlia
#282 - Gardevoir
#283 - Surskit
#284 - Masquerain
#285 - Shroomish
#286 - Breloom
#287 - Slakoth
#288 - Vigoroth
#289 - Slaking
#290 - Nincada
#291 - Ninjask
#292 - Shedinja
#293 - Whismur
#294 - Loudred
#295 - Exploud
#296 - Makuhita
#297 - Hariyama
#298 - Azurill
#299 - Nosepass
#300 - Skitty
#301 - Delcatty
#302 - Sableye
#303 - Mawile
#304 - Aron
#305 - Lairon
#306 - Aggron
#307 - Meditite
#308 - Medicham
#309 - Electrike
#310 - Manectric
#311 - Plusle
#312 - Minun
#313 - Volbeat
#314 - Illumise
#315 - Roselia
#316 - Gulpin
#317 - Swalot
#318 - Carvanha
#319 - Sharpedo
#320 - Wailmer
#321 - Wailord
#322 - Numel
#323 - Camerupt
#324 - Torkoal
#325 - Spoink
#326 - Grumpig
#327 - Spinda
#328 - Trapinch
#329 - Vibrava
#330 - Flygon
#331 - Cacnea
#332 - Cacturne
#333 - Swablu
#334 - Altaria
#335 - Zangoose
#336 - Seviper
#337 - Lunatone
#338 - Solrock
#339 - Barboach
#340 - Whiscash
#341 - Corphish
#342 - Crawdaunt
#343 - Baltoy
#344 - Claydol
#345 - Lileep
#346 - Cradily
#347 - Anorith
#348 - Armaldo
#349 - Feebas
#350 - Milotic
#351 - Castform
#352 - Kecleon
#353 - Shuppet
#354 - Banette
#355 - Duskull
#356 - Dusclops