Trade Information for Shiny Mew (Trade #107531)
Trade Details
Ended: 10:52 AM 8 May 2015 Trader: (9 | 100%)
Trade Generation: 6th Location: Wisconsin, USA
Offers: 0
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #151 - Mew
Pokemon: #151 - Mew Level: 100 Gender: N/A
This is a Shiny Pokemon
What I'm Looking For
Image for #653 - Fennekin
Pokemon: #653 - Fennekin Level: 1 Gender: Female
This is a Shiny Pokemon
Other Information Yeah, one of those trades asking for a specific.
Mew's been cloned and appears to be from way back in the Old Sea Map. Nothing special, stat wise.
My absolute ideal would be a Modest Nicknameable lady Fennekin with 5-6IVs, but beggars can't choose everything, especially when I'd prefer NOT a hack :s
Shiny and female at the absolute least

Heck, I want her on my team so bad that if you even point to someone that has one for trade (and we successfully do so) I'll throw you a finder's fee from
My thread in the forums