Trade Information for Hoopa (Trade #110802)
Trade Details
Ended: 3:33 AM 8 Sep 2015 Trader: (96 | 100%)
Trade Generation: 6th
Offers: 1
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #720 - Hoopa
Pokemon: #720 - Hoopa Level: 50 Gender: N/A
What I'm Looking For
Any Pokemon
Pokemon: Any Level: Any Gender: Any
Other Information JPN Event Hoopa.. BUT English name with the Italian tag;
- all the info are correct
- has the item (Focus Sash)
- Wishing Ribbon

*some guy on another website has 4-5 boxes of this Hoopa and I got myself a couple of them.
**Check the Hoopa trade to get the details on it since I'm lazy to re-type everything again.

Looking for ITEMS (2 items :1 Hoopa)
- Razor Claw
- Razor Fang
- Magmarizer
- Reaper's Cloth
- MoonStone/ThunderStone
*I really want the top 4 (to evolve my shinies)