Wishlist Information for Dratini (Item #114182)
Wanted Pokemon
Image for #147 - Dratini
Pokemon: #147 - Dratini Level: Any Gender: Any
Trader Information
Trader: (N/A)
Ended: 3:04 AM 6 May 2016
Trade Generation: 6th
Offers: 1
Other Information I do NOT want Shiny.
NO nicknames.
I can trade any starters and any form of the starter.
Basic starters will be level 1.
First evolutions will be around level 16 (or 1 or 2 levels above).
Second evolutions will be around level 34 (give or take).
All will come with random stats and natures.
I also have Dittos for trade for all of you wannabe breeders out there.