Trade Information for Shiny Clawitzer (Trade #116817)
Trade Details
Ended: 10:54 PM 22 May 2016 Trader: (96 | 100%)
Trade Generation: 6th
Offers: 0
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #693 - Clawitzer
Pokemon: #693 - Clawitzer Level: 37 Gender: Female
This is a Shiny Pokemon
What I'm Looking For
Any Pokemon
Pokemon: Any Level: Any Gender: Any
This is a Shiny Pokemon
My Pokemon (Advanced Info)
Misc Information
Nature: Impish
Stats of the Pokemon
  HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed
Other Information PLEASE READ FIRST;

I'm offering 3 shinies for ONE nameable shiny and ONE rareball
- must state info of your offer (ability, nature, & pokeball; for the rareball, same thing along with any eggmoves)

1st - Shiny Female Clawitzer in a Quickball
2nd - Shiny Female Dragalge in a Duskball (Quirky nature with Poison Touch) 2 IVs in HP&SP.DEF
3rd - Shiny Female Wailord in a Ultraball (Naughty nature with Oblivious) 2 IVs in HP&DEF [FRE tag with English name]

So 3 Shinies for a Nameable Shiny & a Rareball; I can attach items or Mega-stones, just let me know and I'll see if I have it