Trade Information for Totodile (Trade #29294)
Trade Details
Ended: 7:10 PM 12 Jun 2011 Trader: (20 | 100%)
Trade Generation: 5th Location: At home with my WONDERFUL wife
Offers: 2
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #158 - Totodile
Pokemon: #158 - Totodile Level: 1 Gender: Male
What I'm Looking For
Any Pokemon
Pokemon: Any Level: Any Gender: Any
Other Information Looking for any pokemon I don't currently have. I have all the starters, I have 75% of 5th generation, and scattered amounts throughout the rest. I have all starters and all are available. Since I have an abundance of each of them, multiple trades may be accepted, so I will notify you via pm if I accept your offer.
Also I have all starters in both genders, so if you have a preference male/female please specify in your offer. I will give multiple starters for legendaries or shiny's if you want to make an offer pertaining to that. I will also breed to any nature that you want if you have a preference.