Trade Information for Zoroark (Trade #30253)
Trade Details
Ended: 9:20 PM 14 Jun 2011 Trader: (5 | 100%)
Trade Generation: 5th Location: The Midlands, UK
Offers: 1
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #571 - Zoroark
Pokemon: #571 - Zoroark Level: 100 Gender: Male
What I'm Looking For
Image for #186 - Politoed
Pokemon: #186 - Politoed Level: Any Gender: Any
My Pokemon (Advanced Info)
Misc Information
O/T: Joe
Ability: Illusion
Other Information Zoroark is 100% legit. Anyway, if your offering it has to either be holding a Politoed holding a King's Rock or be the Dream World Politoed withe the ability Drizzle.
Bid quickly.