Trade Information for Tornadus (Trade #31052)
Trade Details
Ended: 9:26 PM 30 Jun 2011 Trader: (20 | 100%)
Trade Generation: 5th Location: At home with my WONDERFUL wife
Offers: 11
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #641 - Tornadus
Pokemon: #641 - Tornadus Level: 100 Gender: Male
What I'm Looking For
Any Pokemon
Pokemon: Any Level: Any Gender: Any
Other Information Legendaries first, shiny's second in priority. Here are the legendaries that take priority: Palkia, Latios, Latias, Shaymin, Celebi, Lugia, Ho-oh. Others will be considered.

Note: Only certain shiny's will be considered by themselves. Most shiny's will require multiple to be considered.