Trade Information for Shiny Chimchar (Trade #40701)
Trade Details
Ended: 11:26 PM 19 Oct 2011 Trader: (20 | 100%)
Trade Generation: 5th Location: Florida,eastern time zone (UTC -5:00)
Offers: 1
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #390 - Chimchar
Pokemon: #390 - Chimchar Level: 6 Gender: Female
This is a Shiny Pokemon
What I'm Looking For
Any Pokemon
Pokemon: Any Level: Any Gender: Any
This is a Shiny Pokemon
My Pokemon (Advanced Info)
Move Set
#1: read
#2: description
#3: 4 info
#4: on trade!
Other Information hello.does anyone here like to play pokemon tower defense?i ask because i am willing to trade some good shinies in exchange for something i want in PTD.i have hacked and a lot of legit!cloned too which really isn't bad.u could tell me what u would like and i dont lie.i really need some stuff in ptd.i DO have some REALLY GREAT stuff to offer!!!i may do multiple to.i have a few examples(just examples)(just pm 2 set up a trade or ask):shiny rhydon,shiny magmar,shiny electabuzz,shiny deino,shiny boldore,shiny beldum,SHINY TYNAMO!!!,shiny reshiram(sorry cant get legit),shiny roserade,shiny combee,shiny spiritomb(legit,not wondertomb),shiny druddigon,shiny sheildon,and shiny rufflets!!MANY R LEGIT,SOME CLONED,SOME HACKED. now-i really need a few of these from ptd!-shiny pinser,shiny porygon,shiny eevee(3),shiny venonat,shiny diglet,shiny machop(maybe),shiny drowzee,shiny voltorb,shiny ponyta,shiny gastly,shiny hitmonlee,shiny tangla,shiny horsea,shiny goldeen,shiny mew,and of course the dogs!! NOTICE!!I WILL DEFINETLY ACCEPT HACKED POKEMON!!THEY R NOT A PROBLEM IN PTD