Trade Information for Shiny Luxray (Trade #44989)
Trade Details
Ended: 3:35 PM 21 Jan 2012 Trader: (8 | 100%)
Trade Generation: 5th Location: in friend safari catching HA Pokemon
Offers: 1
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #405 - Luxray
Pokemon: #405 - Luxray Level: 100 Gender: Female
This is a Shiny Pokemon
What I'm Looking For
Any Pokemon
Pokemon: Any Level: Any Gender: Any
This is a Shiny Pokemon
Other Information d realy like one of these pokes it would be an auto win if you got one of these

shiny aipom
shiny lapras
shiny larvesta
shiny venapede
shiny elektrik or tynamo
shiny riolu
shiny mawile

but if you dont have one just post somthing you think i might like