Trade Information for Darkrai (Trade #51568)
Trade Details
Ended: 5:28 PM 6 Jul 2012 Trader: (-1 | 0%)
Trade Generation: 5th
Offers: 2
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #491 - Darkrai
Pokemon: #491 - Darkrai Level: 50 Gender: N/A
What I'm Looking For
Image for #345 - Lileep
Pokemon: #345 - Lileep Level: 1 - 64 Gender: Any
My Pokemon (Advanced Info)
Move Set
#1: dark void
#2: ominous wind
#3: faint attack
#4: nightmare
Misc Information
Nature: Sassy
O/T: 2012MAY
Trainer ID #: 05092
Ability: Bad Dreams
Other Information the darkri is the 2012 black and white event darkri. the lileep must be able to evolve and must be a dream world lileep and have the storm drain ablilty and know or has known the move giga drain and the lileep must not be hacked. it would also be prefered that the lileep would be as low of a level as possible so that it can have the best stats (example: a level 41 lileep would be less likely to be accepted as a level 39 lilleep).