Trade Information for Oshawott (Trade #85036)
Trade Details
Ended: 9:38 AM 15 Feb 2014 Trader: (N/A)
Trade Generation: 6th Location: IN THE BATHROOM!!
Offers: 0
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #501 - Oshawott
Pokemon: #501 - Oshawott Level: 1 Gender: Male
What I'm Looking For
Any Pokemon
Pokemon: Any Level: Any Gender: Any
Other Information I know that it's not too easy to find one in Pokemon X/Y (In fact, without the Pokemon Bank, it's impossible to get one), so I bred a few for trainers.

I have Pokemon Y, so X-Exclusive Mega Stones are most DEFINITELY an auto-win!

Shinies are also auto-win!

(Give me a Shiny with an X-Exclusive Mega Stone, and I'll give you all of them! XD just kidding).

However, I'm down-to-Earth, and understand that those "auto-wins" may be out of people's price-range, so the best offer will win... But something like a Normal Magikarp won't get you anything, sorry. (Shiny Magikarp will, though!) I'm down-to-Earth, not stupid.

Don't be shy about your offers! I won't bite, I understand that some people really don't have access to GREAT Pokemon

If you want a specific nature, etc, feel free to let me know, and I'll do my best to provide it!

I have Totodiles, Cyndaquils, Chikoritas, Mudkips, Torchics, Treeckos, Piplups, Chimchars, Turtwigs, Oshawotts, Tepigs, Snivy, Bunearies, Togepi, and Porygon to trade, as well as hard to find Pokemon like Phione and Larvesta!

So if you want one of those, feel free to message me, or check the listings~!

Also, I am a Let's Player, who does video game walkthroughs on YouTube. Don't forget to check out my videos people! If you like them, subscribe to the channel!