Trade Information for Scatterbug (Trade #94086)
Trade Details
Ended: 4:14 PM 23 Jun 2014 Trader: (N/A)
Trade Generation: 6th Location: Canada, EST Time Zone
Offers: 1
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #664 - Scatterbug
Pokemon: #664 - Scatterbug Level: 1 Gender: Male
What I'm Looking For
Any Pokemon
Pokemon: Any Level: 1 Gender: Any
My Pokemon (Advanced Info)
Move Set
#1: Tackle
#2: String Shot
#3: Stun Spore
#4: N/A
Misc Information
Nature: Modest
O/T: Xeneros
Trainer ID #: 22854
Ability: Friend Guard
Stats of the Pokemon
  HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed
Stats 1255556
Other Information 5IV Polar Scatterbug

IVs are random but you can ask if I have specific IV.

I have males and females.

I have Friend Guard, Shield Dust or Compound Eyes.

I'm looking for 5IV Pokémon or Pokémon with Egg Moves.

Thank you