Wishlist Information for Articuno (Item #45324)
Wanted Pokemon
Image for #144 - Articuno
Pokemon: #144 - Articuno Level: 50 Gender: N/A
Trader Information
Trader: (N/A)
Location: Nowhere, constantly exploring the changing and expanding Pokemon world
Ended: 12:39 AM 13 Feb 2012
Trade Generation: 5th
Offers: 1
Other Information I am looking for legit legendaries, I have none from the older generation except for zapdos and phione(if it counts). I can breed u anything u'd like all legit, but I have no shinies or legendaries i can trade. I doesn't matter about the lvl of the legendary, as long as its legit.

Name a Pokemon u'd like:
Name lvl u'd like it to be, max is 50:
Name ability:
Name egg moves:
Name gender:
Name other details:

*note: I will not breed a billion starters for one female starter alright*
*note: I am in few of evolution items, so if u'd like an evolved pokemon that uses a stone/item, offer may be declined*