Wishlist Information for Shiny Nidoran (F) (Item #117915)
Wanted Pokemon
Image for #029 - Nidoran (F)
Pokemon: #029 - Nidoran (F) Level: 10 - 15 Gender: Female
This is a Shiny Pokemon
Trader Information
Trader: (N/A)
Location: Oregon, USA
Ended: 5:56 AM 23 Jul 2016
Trade Generation: 6th
Offers: 0
Other Information Seeking to complete my Nido collection. I'm looking for a Nidoran F (shiny preferred but not mandatory) with high attack and spec attack stats with
brave or bold natures. And preferably WITHOUT the RIVALRY ability. I can offer SOME shinies and a FEW Legendaries depending on what you are looking for.
I am not always online so PLEASE Message me. I am usually available between 9:00pm and 11:00pm PST during the week (I'm in school) and on the Weekends
anytime between 6:00pm and 12:00am PST. If these times work for you please let me know.

Thank you for reading.