Wishlist Information for Shiny Girafarig (Item #118024)
Wanted Pokemon
Image for #203 - Girafarig
Pokemon: #203 - Girafarig Level: 10 - 25 Gender: Any
This is a Shiny Pokemon
Trader Information
Trader: (N/A)
Location: Oregon, USA
Ended: 5:32 AM 27 Aug 2016
Trade Generation: 6th
Offers: 0
Other Information This is the one Pokemon that I cannot seem to find. I can offer a few Shiny Pokemon though I don't have much and I can offer others. If there is a Pokemon
you are looking for name it and I'll see if I have it if not I hope that any random Pokemon will be acceptable (haven't had my game for that long so I don't have
very many Pokemon at my disposal for trading but I do my best.)