Trade Information for Shiny Darkrai (Trade #10681)
Trade Details
Ended: 3:01 PM 24 Dec 2010 Trader: (37 | 100%)
Trade Generation: 4th Location: S/W England
Offers: 3
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #491 - Darkrai
Pokemon: #491 - Darkrai Level: 100 Gender: N/A
This is a Shiny Pokemon
What I'm Looking For
Any Pokemon
Pokemon: Any Level: Any Gender: N/A
My Pokemon (Advanced Info)
Move Set
#1: Battles
#2: Tournament
#3: 12th then 27th
#4: December
Misc Information
Nature: Brave
O/T: Fake Trade
Ability: Challenge
Other Information Hi Everyone! WILL CONTINUE ON 27th December for TOP 4!!!!
I have a Winter Tournament this Sunday 12th & 19th of December 2010.
First off, only 2 Legendaries are allowed on the team.
Look at my Shiny Arceus for details of Legends that are banned in the Winter Tournament.
You will battle against your Opponent twice (2 times).
PM me if you win or draw or lose.
A Win gets you 3 points. A Draw is 2 points. And a Loss gets you a 1 point. If you refuse to have another battle against your opponent after 30 mins after your battle, you will recieve 0 points and the opponent will recieve 4 points. Your allowed 2 changes in team after 1st battle!

Damian 18
MasterJames 21
Charizard 8
GoldenOne 21
Pitbull 20
Blk 9
Manny 6
Tony 3
Charktoon 16
Pokemoncrazy 0
Zoe 0
Minorka 0
GameGuy 1
Rebecca 2

Everyday this will be upgraded after all results have been given to me.