Trade Information for Shiny Arceus (Trade #10967)
Trade Details
Ended: 4:19 AM 30 Dec 2010 Trader: (N/A)
Trade Generation: 4th Location: In a pink forest
Offers: 4
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #493 - Arceus
Pokemon: #493 - Arceus Level: 100 Gender: N/A
This is a Shiny Pokemon
What I'm Looking For
Any Pokemon
Pokemon: Any Level: Any Gender: Any
Other Information Sorry for that, it is a fake.

Charizard8 is not ready for a thing big like my Elite Four (Go check Shiny Darkray trade). So I search a trainer knowing all of EV, IV and is very good for a replacement.

PM me and choose a type, I will considere all of you.

Thank you